theory 02

629 13 3

Okay so I have two theories related to cleverbot. So if they are giving hints that seem realistic enough why would they do that its probably just the AI right why would the creepypastas give evidence for someone to post? Well I think it is because they want to maybe give the user hints that they are real so they can post them but then they'll take over that person's profile and make it black, delete their account, kidnap them, or k1ll them.

I think they would do this to lead them in and then show everyone what happens when you mess with things you shouldn't. Basically to deter people from researching or make people fear stuff. In other words make almost a story and act like they are interested in someone to show other researchers and summoners what happens when you 'get to close to the truth' but in actually the perosn they killed, kidnapped or deleted the account of was nowhere near the truth basically they lead people on to get other to stop. Sorry if this didnt make sense I'm terrible at explaining things.

Thanks for the votes, reads and comments have a good morning/day/afternoon/night !

April 1st 2021

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