CHAPTER 15 - Claire and her dogs

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⚠️TW: PTSD attack, talking about PTSD and abuse!!!⚠️

Saturday, march 30th 2023


Noura's POV:

Work is really great, I love it so much and it is already my safe place. I am really happy about my life right now, and I hope I can do photography for a living. Today it is Saturday so I have no work, I decided to go to the store to buy some snacks, now I have enough money.

The nearest store is a 15 minute walk, I grabbed my Airpod's and went out. I put music on. Taylor Swift of course, you would never guess it. I will never get tired of Taylor Swift. Is It Over Now? came up.

"And did you think I didn't see you?
There were flashing lights
At least I had the decency
To keep my nights out of sight
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs
And my whispered sighs
Oh, Lord, I think about
Jumping off a very tall somethings
Just to see you come running
And say the one thing I've been wanting
But no"

I arrived at the store and went in, payed and went out, well I thought. Im almost never at the store, and of course, the one time im here, Claire is here. With her friends- I mean dogs Sasha and Florentine. My bullies back from when I was still in school. Remember when I said that I would really wanted to go to school when I was with Scarlett and Julie? Those girls are the only reason im happy that im home schooled. I am always good at talking back, but they were so intimidating back then, and still are now.

"Well well well, who do we have here" Claire spoke up, I wanted to walk away but her dogs blocked my way. "Don't go so soon Noura, are you scared?" Claire said with a pity voice. Sasha and Florentine laughed. I stayed silent. Claire tapped my shoulder, I had to flinch of course. "Still scared of touching, how sad isn't it girls?" Claire said. "So sad!" Sasha said with a mean laugh. "I should give her a hug, maybe it will be better!" Claire said with an evil grin. "I definitely think it will help, do it Claire" Florentine said with a mean voice. Claire pulled me in a hug, she more just aggressively wrapped her arms around me. I panicked and wanted to push her away but she held me tight, and I froze. Finally she pulled away, grabbing my arm with force. "Don't think being Scarlett Johansson's photographer makes you better, you are nothing!" Claire said. She turned around and walked away, Sasha and Florentine laughed and followed Claire like a dog. They saw the post on instagram. I know that Claire is a big marvel fan, she is just jealous.

Tears were streaming down my face on my way to the house. I was shacking, and I was hyperventilating. I felt like throwing up and I couldn't walk anymore. After 5 minutes I saw a bench and went sitting on in, I grabbed my phone and wanted to call Julie. I called her 3 times but she didn't pick up, she is at school what did I think. Before I knew it I called Scarlett, the phone rang and I almost got another panic attack about calling her. Why would I do that?! I planned on hanging up and telling her that I accidentally called. Before I could hang up she already picked up.


On the phone

"Noura? Are you okay?"

She probably heard my crying breathing.

"Noura what's going on?"

"I- Im okay sorry for bothering."

I managed to get that out, I wanted to hang up but Scarlett stopped me.

"Don't hang up! What's going on honey? Where are you?"

"I- I was at the store and-"

Before I could finish my sentence I completed broke down crying and hyperventilating.

"Send me your location im coming to you. Stay where you are, stay on the phone with me."


I send my location, and heard Scarlett grabbing some stuff and getting in her car. Scarlett helped me with stopping hyperventilating on the phone, and I breathed normal again. I heard Scarlett speeding with the car, and heard some curse words when she needed to stop at a red light. After 10 minutes Scarlett arrived and hung up the phone, she ran up to me. "Noura honey..." I saw Scarlett and started to cry again. "Don't touch me" I said while sobbing. "I won't honey, follow my breath" Scarlett said with a sweet voice. She helped me again with breathing. She could calm me down so quickly, quicker than Julie could. "Why don't you come with me to my house" Scarlett offered after a while when I stopped sobbing and being dramatic, my opinion. "Don't worry about me, it's your free day you should spent it with Rose. I can go back to the house" I said, not wanting to bother Scarlett any further than I already did. "Honey, im not letting you go after this. Rose is at her dad's. You're coming with me" Scarlett insisted. We walked to her car and I went in. It was a comfortable silent car ride, I just looked out of the window.

We arrived at her house, it is absolutely gorgeous. We went in, and I took my coat and shoes off. I went sitting on the couch, Scarlett made us some tea and joined me. "Do you want to talk about what happend?" Scarlett offered. "I can't promise I wont cry, but this girl Claire. She used to bully me when I was still in school, with her dogs Sasha and Florentine" Scarlett raised an eyebrow when I said 'dogs'. "I mean her friends, I call them dogs because they literally follow Claire everywhere" I said. "Today I saw them for the first time since school, and Claire gave me a hug. She knows that I can't handle touch so she did in on purpose to 'calm me down' after I tried to walk away" I said, proud that I didn't cry again in front of my favorite celebrity. "Im so sorry honey" Scarlett said with a sweet sad smile. "if I ever meet those girls I will speak a good word with them. And use my black widow moves!!!" Scarlett said mad. I laughed. "Can I ask you why you hate physical touch? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" Scarlett asked.

"It's okay, I know you wondered about it since the first time we met" I said. "How did you-" Scarlett said but stopped her sentence. "Im good at reading people, but ehm. I have PTSD. My parents used to abuse me. Until I was 4, because they suddenly died in a car crash. That's why im in the system. I can't remember anything from the abuse or the crash, I wasn't in the car with them. But my body remembers the abuse. Most people think that I just don't like physical touch, but thats not it. Im sometimes craving for just a hug, my body accepts Julie but sometimes not even her." Im surprised that I just opened up to Scarlett like it was nothing, I hate talking about my PTSD. "Im so sorry to hear that. Know that im always here for you, you can call me anytime. Even at midnight or 3am I don't care, just call me. Even if you just need someone to talk to, im here for you!" Scarlett said. Never ever someone other than Julie cared for me like that. "Thank you" I said softly, not knowing what to say.

We laughed a lot, and watched movies. Being with Scarlett feels so safe, I feel comfortable around her and at this place. I am so jealous of Rose, she has the best mom ever.


Tam tam taaaammm 🥁🥁🥁
I love Scarlett so much stop.

I know 1989TV wasn't out in march, but just act like it was :)

I am so obsessed omg! And I got the white vinyl it is sooo pretty omg!!!! AND 15 MORE SONGS WHAAAAATTTT?!

I hope you liked this chapter, Don't forget to vote and comment:) See you next week! 🩵
Love you all !!!!
X Bellaaa 💗

Words: 1388
Written: December 15th 2023
Edited: February 16th 2024
Published: April 19th 2024


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