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... Lustious Bonneville ...


So much memories has been made this pass few days and I wanted it to be a little longer with just us.

I took photoshoots everywhere I go. People almost everywhere wanted to take pictures with me.

Let me be honest—I totally forgot that I was an famous modeler for a entire few months.

I guess been a new wife and soon-to-be mother, can do something to your mind.

It was when I checked in on my Instagram pages when my assistance emailed me about posting new photos.

To update my fans and business profile.

Quin Castello is my assistance from I begin modeling in the fashion industry.

She is the closed off type.

But she checks in on me from time to time, even so when she is married to her wife.

We were on our private jet leaving Italy and heading back to our home in New York City.

The last night there, all four of us—Jelani exclusively joined us, also because she threw the party.

I didn't mixed along with crowd—wished I could, but I didn't like the weed smoke in the room.

Plus, if something was to happen to me—I'd be escorted out of an room filled with blood and bodies.

I couldn't afford that—both hotheaded wife wanted to kill somebody so badly, it was hilarious.

It was early in the Christmas morning—yes, I know.

A pregnant wife as I am should be relaxing in my warm bed.

But mother called and reminded me that the Christmas festival was today.

And I couldn't miss it, not for the sake of anything else. Not even as tired as I am now.

Henceforth—I was cuddled in the massive king size bed in the jet with my two big teddy bears.

I was beyond warm and I've been dosing off and waking up back due to this sharp pain I've been feeling.

It was an bearable pain my lower back, but I've been feeling it since yesterday.

It's not like I should be worried about all due to the parenting books that I've been reading ever since.

But I was kind of nervous about this pain, it has been getting a little more painful than before.

Both woman sandwiched me in-between them, their hand rested on my stomach while watching cable on the television built in the wall.

The atmosphere was silent and peaceful. The Christmas spirit was around us and I loved it.

I whimpered lowly in Alex's chest, another sharp pain this time was in my spine.

𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 (𝐆𝐗𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now