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... Lustious Bonneville ...


It's been two days since we've been on our honeymoon.

And it has been the bestest days of my life.

We held a party for Rosa and she really enjoyed it.

But she was very tired to end it, so we called it a night.

For once in my lifetime I wasn't around a desk filled with files and working like an maniac that has no life.

Which in fact—I didn't have a life I was interested in.

But the moment I laid eyes on the woman of my lifetime, I knew I had one.

So much has happened in the span of almost two years.

This year had been a rough one for us, and it only made us stronger.

I learned from my lessons—I will finally admit it.

And it was what led me to have such a beautiful wife.


Alex and I are the exact same, but I accept the facts that she helped in major ways than just one.

We're both soon to be expected fathers.

Making our vows that we'll keep till the end of time with one of the rarest rose on earth.

I've walked this earth for so lon and I have never met an woman whom turn my life upsidedown.

For the better. I was a stubborn and heartless monster—I'm feared by bosses that claims to be heartless and cruel.

I killed millions of people in the span of a week—my anger was an short fuse that had nothing to tame it.

No one could.

But somehow—my eyes laid on her and my heart immediately started to change—for the better.

I smile at the thought of Rosa—caressing the ring on my finger that is an crown with diamonds.

Bringing it to my lips I kiss it and smile whilst staring out in the dark night.

The blue neon lights from the yatch on the ocean illuminates it.

I know I should be everywhere my pregnant wife is—but she ensured me that she'll be safe whilst getting her massage.

So I took the chance to be by myself on the roof of the yatch.

The scene so far up and the wind calms my mind.

I feel so contented, Rosa's heartbeat is like music to my ears.

From so far up I could hear her soft breathing and soft grunts.

The babies has been restless this few days, she's in constant pain in the nights in trying to sleep.

Alex and I fear the worst if we should have sex with her.

And I won't risk it, I almost lose her once and it won't happen again.

I don't know when she'll give birth, but I was excited and quite nervous at the same time.

But I'm ready for all the responsibilities.

They'll be having the world in their little hands.

I'll give my soul for them to be safe, they are parts of my heart.

𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 (𝐆𝐗𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now