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Y/n and The Crew waited as Hanni was tended to by Dr. Teahyun. It was a stressful night. More stressful than anything Y/n had endured before.

It wasn't just about the shop or Hanni getting hurt. It was about Y/n's life falling apart.

The cars were gone, her shop was gone, her loved ones were getting hurt, Detective Kang was risking too much for her, and just everything was not how it was supposed to end.

- Y/N POV -

"WHY CAN'T YOU LISTEN?!" Soobin yelled.

He was upset.

Soobin never wanted to be a part of the chaos, but he knew that being at the shop was a risk. He knew that everything around Jackson and I was not safe.


"SHE DIES AND ITS ON US!!" Soobin yelled back.

"SHE DIES AND ITS ON ME!!" I screamed in his face.

"You want out. Then get out," I huffed out.

I wasn't even sure what he was doing here anymore. No one in The Crew would give up his name or say anything in regard to him if we got arrested.

He was just a mechanic after all.

"Where is she?! WHERE IS SHE?!!?" A panicked Minji suddenly ran into the house.

Jackson had called her to let her know that Hanni was out of danger.

"Calm down," I sighed out.


"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Minji ran her bare palm across my face.

"Minji!" Haerin suddenly ran in to check on my cheek.

I sighed out and could no longer stand the situation. I smacked Detective Kang's hand away from me and just walked out of The Doctor's house.

- Haerin POV -

Minji and I made sure that Hanni was stabilized. Luckily, Dr. Taehyun was the one tending to her so we knew she was in good hands.

"She's fine. It's a good thing that she was administered Naloxone when she was. A few more minutes and she would've died of an overdose," Dr. Taehyun explained.

"I shouldn't have trusted Y/n with her in the first place," Minji huffed under her breath.

"Yeah, well... I'll give you two some space," The Doctor told us.

I took a deep breath and Minji gave me a look.

She wasn't just mad at Y/n. She was mad at me for trusting Y/n.

I took a deep breath and just walked out to make sure Y/n was okay. The only problem was....,

Y/n was nowhere to be found.

Initially, I thought Y/n had walked out of the doctor's house to have a smoke break or maybe get some fresh air, but her car was gone.

"Y/n just left. Not too long ago," Yunjin informed me.

I raised an eyebrow a bit confused. "Did she say where she was going?" I asked.

"Nope. She just got in the car and speeded the fuck out of here," Yunjin shrugged in response.

I sighed in annoyance and took my phone out to check Y/n's location.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" I yelled in annoyance.

It was like Yunjin already knew what Y/n was doing and she immediately tossed me the keys to her car.

"Good luck!" She said as she exhaled the smoke from her cigarette. 

- Y/N POV -

The music was blasting and the shot I had drank was hitting my system.

"WOOOHOOOO!!!" I yelled from the thrill of the scene.

I was trying to get blasted.

If I only hurt myself instead of others then I wouldn't be in this position.


That's what I choose to do.

I smoked and drank as much as I could.

A part of me was hoping that it all got to me and I'd somehow die from it.

I was partying as hard as I could.

I wasn't a fan of parties that didn't involve racing, but this felt right.

I was quickly hitting a new high in my body...

When someone suddenly snatched me out of the huge crowd I was in.

It was Haerin.

"What's the matter with you?!" She yelled at me over the music.

"D-Detective Kanggg!" I slurred my words a little.

"Look, I know you're stressed but this is not the way to go about it!" The Detective began to scold me.

"What else did you expect from me?" I laughed a little.

I was too high and drunk to take the situation seriously.

"I mean, I'm a bad person aren't I?!" I kept on laughing.

"I'm reckless, I put people in danger, I don't think about anyone but myself. For god's sake, I tried to rob you in our very first meeting. I'm a walking red flag! Did you really think that I would know the right way to go about things?!" I found it all amusing.

Detective Kang suddenly grabbed a firm grip on my arm and pulled me close. "This is completely inappropriate behavior. Get your shit together or we're through," she sternly whispered in my ear.








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