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While everyone finally gathered at y/n's Tokyo house, y/n was trying to wrap her head around Detective Kang's behavior.

Everyone was confused and exhausted. They basically walked out with zero new information and more questions.

- Haerin POV -

When Minji unnie sent me the details of her findings, I felt like something didn't make sense.

I ran a background check on everyone in J's crew, including y/n-ssi and I was shocked to find a legal entry of hers from Japan to South Korea.

Not a private one, but a plain international entry with a TSA check and everything.

I knew y/n had spent some time in Japan, considering that she spoke pretty good Japanese and also that on our second meet, I got kidnapped there.

I felt like somehow this had something to do with her.... I wasn't sure if I should trust her or not.

When Minji unnie and I were on our flight here, we were able to get access to the Tokyo PD system, thanks to a friend of unnie's.

I ran a background check on this Naoi Rei girl and found out she had been arrested quite a few times. She had also had a few cars confiscated for illegal mods.

I got a solid clue that y/n-ah and her were connected when I found out the models and make of each confiscated car.

They were some of y/n's favorite cars.

"God I hate that I know this shit now," I thought to myself.

Luckily, we were able to find out very quickly where Y/n and her group were because of Jackson.

He kept in close contact with Minji unnie.

"Is there something going on between you and J-ssi that I should know about?" I asked unnie as we drove to the location of the group.

J had sent unmarked cars and unregistered guns to the airport for our disposal.

"God No! He's just a good source of information," Unnie responded.

I sighed of relief at her answer.

When we got to the venue the crew was at, there was already chaos going around.

Minji and I had no idea who was who or what the hell was going on.

Minji unnie caught a glimpse of Jackson and followed after him.

I hid behind a table as gunshots were flying around the place until I saw a body hiding behind the bar.

I briefly caught sight of y/n-ah then took a few deep breaths. "You can do this, you can this!" I whispered to myself as I loaded my gun.

I took a few shots are the people in my way then sneaked my way over to the bar.

Y/n-ssi seemed super surprised to see me but she didn't seem angry.

She took my gun and I decided to help.

When she helped me aim, I knew she had nothing to do with this....

For some reason, I refused to leave y/n's side. I didn't know why myself.... I was fucking scared.

That's until I finally came face to face with Rei-ssi.

I didn't like the way she looked at Y/n-ah.

I didn't like the way she touched her.

I finally just let my jealousy take over and I fired a shot at the ceiling to make her stop touching my y/n.

¡!RUNNER!¡ (Haerin x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora