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Detective Kang and Minji had bought Y/n and The Crew some time to come up with a plan on what to do next.

Meanwhile, everyone was hiding out at Jisoo and Jennie's shops not knowing what the hell to do next.

- Y/N POV -

We had ran out of options.

We weren't sure on who to trust or who to run to for help.

Specially now that my shop was raided, we had nothing but our stashed cars and a few guns that had been confiscated from G-dragon not long before Detective Kang got involved with us.

"Now, what?" Jackson asked, looking a little defeated.

"I don't know, but we can't hang around here for long. If G doesn't find us, then Rei will," I sighed out.

To my understanding, G didn't know much of what happened in Japan. Apparently all he knew was that there was a new distributor that was messing with his clients.

"HELLO, HELLO!!" We suddenly heard a familiar voice echo through the basement floor.

We all knew who it was.

"Speak of the devil," Soobin mumbled under his breath.

Of course, it was G-dragon.

"Hello, my little vixen!" He smugly greeted

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"Hello, my little vixen!" He smugly greeted.

He looked at everyone else in the room and fixed his eyes on Hanni.

"Vix, I heard you took an extended vacation to Japan and found my new rival. Is this her?" G suddenly got up in Hanni's face.

"No, that's not her. So leave her alone," I coldly responded.

"No," he smugly replied.

"You see, you've been bringing a lot of girls around and every time you bring a new girl along with you.... something bad happens...," G chuckled out.

"So, I got a new test for your little lovers," he started to laugh.

I looked at Hanni a bit nervous.

I knew Hanni was some sort of criminal, but I wasn't really sure what she was capable of dealing with.

"Every time you bring along someone new, they have to try my newest drug. That sound fair?" G suddenly dangled a bag of pills in my face.

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