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Both Minji and Haerin were not happy with y/n-ssi. They both felt heartbroken by y/n's actions.

"Did you have fun fucking my crush?" Detective Kang coldly asked as Minji approached her.

Minji-ssi had pushed y/n-ssi off her and gotten dressed. She then stormed out the room to just go back to drinking.

"There's nothing fun about being called your best friend's name during sex," Minji replied with an eye roll.

- Y/N POV -

I woke up the next day with a bit of a hangover. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth then made my way to the front of the shop.

"Oh my baby," I said out loud as my favorite car came to sight.

I noticed Detective Kang was already awake too and I walked over to greet her, thinking "and there's my other baby".

I came up Haerin and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Good morning beautiful," I whispered in her ear as I kissed her cheek.

Haerin-ssi snatched my hands off her and then walked away.

I was confused.

"Did we get into a fight or something?" I asked Minji-ssi as I noticed she had just woken up too.

Minji-ssi just scoffed, mugged me, and also walked away.

"Tf?" I whispered to myself as I tried to remember what happened the night before, but nothing came to mind.

"You feeling better?" Jackson asked as he rolled from under a Supra he had been modifying.

"What do you mean?" I asked him a bit confused.

"Oh you don't remember getting all angry with Yunjin?" He responded.

I shook my head a bit confused then tried to think back. "I can't even remember going to bed," I responded.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Detective Kang suddenly asked.

"I remember we got back and had like 5 shots of Soju then that was it," I responded.

"Ohhh no, you had a whole 750 bottle!" Jackson chuckled out.

"I must have been tired or something for it to hit me so strongly like that," I replied.

"Yeah, you could have been" J responded.

"So, you don't remember me sitting on your lap?" Minji-ssi suddenly asked.

I was taken back by the sudden question.

"I thought that was Haerin-ssi?" I asked a bit confused, vaguely remembering someone sitting on my lap.

Minji looked at Haerin a bit shocked then nodded looking a bit upset.

"That makes sense why you called me Haerin while we were fucking," Minji said in angry and hurt tone then walked out the shop.

We all heard her car turn on then drive off.

It took me a while to process what Minji had said then everything that had happened the night before start flashing through my brain.

"Oh my god!" I thought to myself.

I turned to at Haerin and realized why she was upset.

"Detective, I swear to God. I thought it was you! I don't like Minji-ssi like that. Please you have to believe me!" I began to apologize.

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