Dad Talk

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Lucy and Olivia were getting ready for bed.

Lucy: "You ready for bed."

Olivia: "Mum, can I ask you something."

Lucy: "Yeah sure, what's up?"

Olivia: "Can I meet my dad, I know we haven't talked about it but I was just wondering."

Lucy heart sank and her eyes started to water. Olivia saw this and said "I'm so sorry mum, I didn't mean to."

Lucy: "It's okay sweetie, I know you're curious on who your dad is. But sweetie, I'm sorry I would tell you if I know but I'm not sure who your dad is." Lucy starts to cry a little.

Olivia hugs her and says "it's ok mum, you're enough for me at least I have you with me. Hopefully one day we may find out who my father is." 

They continue to hug and Olivia suggest "mum, why don't you sleep in here tonight with me so we are together if we need to talk and comfort each other throughout the night.

They both fall asleep within minutes after their conversation.

Over the following months; no one else in the station knew about Olivia, Lucy has asked for Luna to babysit multiple times for her, training isn't go to bad. Wade and Lucy have become very close and Lucy thinks of him and Luna as parents that she wished she had throughout her life, and they both agree and Lucy is like a second daughter to them.

*Months go by and when Lucy is out with her friends at the bar where she meant Caleb, the next part will pick up after Tim told Lucy to go out with another human*

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