What the hell Carmen

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I haven't talked to Carmen ever since I left her house that night. I've visited my mom, and honestly I think I've never cried so much before. She passed away while I held her hand. We talked and shared everything, and she really let me in. How bad she has been struggling after the loss of my dad.

I felt really bad for her and I wish she would've come to me sooner. But at the same time I'm angry and furious. I'm all alone, yeah I have grandparents, but I haven't been talking with them so much for the past few years. They kinda backed off when I said I liked girls. But my mom, she was there with me through everything.

I just feel so lost and alone. Carmen hasn't been able to reach out to me, since I broke my phone. Even if she would be reaching out I don't think I'd reply to her. I just don't have anything to say to her. How can a person even do something like that. And the fact that she has been doing this over and over with other girls too.

I thought Carmen was different.

It's currently Friday, been a week since everything happened. My mom passed away 5 days ago. My grandparents are taking care of all the funeral stuff. I don't know if I would be able to if I'm being honest.

Internship starts next week, and we just got to know who our partner will be. I got Sarah so I'm really happy about that.

"Hey girly." A familiar voice says from behind.

"Hey Sarah." I say back with a slight smile.

She looks at me with a sad expression on her face "Let's go out tonight, let's celebrate that we are internship partners!"

I shrug as we walk in the halls.

"Come on, you need to get out."

I just give her an unsure expression, but I shouldn't have done that because now she's giving me puppy eyes.

"Yes okay, but can we meet up earlier? Because I need help buying a new phone."

Her face lit up "Yes, let's meet up at 4:00pm?"

I nod and she gives me a smile before walking towards the exit.

I let out a deep sigh and that's when I notice Carmen. She's leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Looks like she's friends with Elliot again, or I don't know but they are talking and they seem fine.

I can't believe she socializing herself with him. Elliot disgusts me.

Her eyes meets mine, I stare her in the eyes. After some seconds of staring I turn around and walk away. That's when I feel someone grabbing my arm and pushes me into the closest room.

"What the hell Carmen?"
She locks the door and steps towards me.

"I just wanna talk."

"And that gives you permission to kidnap me here?"
She lets out a depressing sigh.

"Please?" She says locking her eyes with mine.

"You have 5 minutes."

She takes a deep breath before opening her mouth "I never meant for any of this to happ-"

"Oh I know it wasn't a part of the plan to catch feelings." I cut her off.

"You're not listening!" She says massaging her face with her hands.

"Okay, tell me something I don't know."

"Everything I did with you was real, nothing of it was fake. Yeah I made the bet with Elliot when I first laid my eyes on you, but when I took you home the first time and actually got to know you, things changed." She says while stepping towards me.

"I already knew then that I felt something towards you. And it only grew the more time I spent with you. I forgot about the whole bet shit." She continues walking towards me.

Without realizing it I am pressed against a desk with her standing really close.

Keep your composure Casey.

How is she so hot.

The outfit, her face, the way her hair is in a messy bun with a bennie on top. I really do miss her touch.

"I am so sorry for everything, and I'll do everything I can to regain your trust. Even though I know that's impos-" I cut her off by pressing my lips onto hers. She kisses me back right away.

I put my arms around her neck and pull her against me, I tilt my head to the side to deepen the kiss. She lifts me up and puts me on the desk, I wrap my legs around her waist as she's standing in between them.

Her hands travels down my sides to my hips, she grabs them before they move on to my back.

Ugh I've missed her hands so much.

Her lips feels so soft, every movement, it just feels like her lips were meant to be on mine. She pulls out slowly as she makes her way over to my neck. She licks and kisses every inch of it, I tilt my head backwards as I feel her tongue doing the magic.

She moves back to kiss my lips again, but before I get too carried away I pull out as I push her away.

"I can't do this, I gotta go." I say as jump down and grab my stuff quickly.

"Casey wait." She says grabbing my arm again.

"Please just leave me alone." I state not bothering to turn around to face her.
She lets go without saying anything.

I unlock the door and make my way out.

What the fuck just happened?

Hey, I'm really sorry for not updating. I've been on a huge writing block, but I think it passed. Anyways here's a short chapter for you.

Excited for what's to come<33


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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