Chapter 8

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[Anna is pacing nervously. Rose and Ada are standing by the tent door whispering in.]
Ada: Pssst! Anna? Is that you?
Anna: Yeah.
"Aww. They came to see her." Said Lily.
Rose: How are you feeling? OK? The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to...
Anna: Battle a dragon. [Ada enters the tent and they hug. A bright camera flashes, Rita Skeeter the journalist approaches.]
Rita: Griffindor and Slytherin friendship! Ohh how.. rebelious and stiring.
"She is so annoying." Said Remus.
Viktor: (To Rita) You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends.
Rita: No matter. We've got what we wanted. [Rita leaves and Dumbledore enters.]
Dumbledore: Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you can fully appreciate. [The champions gather around him in a circle.]
Dumbledore: What are you doing here Miss Weasley, Miss Ettington?
Ada: Came to cheer up Anna.
Rose: We will go now.
Dumbledore: Barty. The bag.
Barty: Champions, in a circle around me. Miss Delacour over here, Mr Krum, and Potter over here. Right. Miss Delacour, if you will... [Barty holds up a bag. Fleur takes out a little green dragon.]
Barty: The welsh green. Mr Krum...
Gryffindords are nervous.
[Viktor takes another out.]
Barty: The chinese fireball. [Oooooh. Cedric picks one.]
Barty: The swedish short-snout. Which leaves... [Anna pales and puts her hand in the bag and pulls out the dragon.]
"Did she have to get Potter luck?" Groaned James.
Barty: The hungarian horntail. These represent very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple, collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?
Anna: Yes, only one. Why does universe hates me?!
People looked at sympathetically.
Dumbledore: Very well. Good luck champions. Mr Diggory the sound of the cannon...
[Anna is sitting alone nervously.] Dumbledore: (Voiceover the loudspeaker) Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant. [Anna enters the rocky arena. The crowd are cheering her name. She sees the golden egg sitting alone, she makes a run for it but the dragon appears. Anna's forced to retreat behind a rock as the dragon flames her. Anna stumbles and falls around the arena.]
"Wand!" Yelled Lily.
Rose: Your wand, Anna! Your wand!
[Anna summons a broom. She jumps on and flies off, the dragon gives chase. The dragon bursts through the crowd and they look stunned.]
Everyone is worried.
[Anna is flying at high speed around the Hogwarts buildings. The dragon cuts her off and whips her off her broom, she lands on the roof of Hogwarts, hanging on for dear life.]
"She is giving me heart attack!" Said James.
[The dragon is clambering across the roof, strewing tiles as it goes. Anna reaches her broom but it's stuck. She jerks it loose and lets go of the roof just in time before the dragon swipes at her.]
"Anna!" Screamed Gryffindors and Barty.
[She falls a long way but regains control. She flies on to an area with a bridge, she flies through a gap in the bridge but the dragon crashes into it and falls into the water.]
People are relieved.
[The crowds are mostly silent. We see Anna flying towards us and the crowd erupts. She goes straight for the golden egg.]
Sirius, Barty and James cheer.
[Anna is lifting the golden egg, people around her cheering. The Weasly twins have Anna sitting on their shoulders.]
George: We knew you wouldn't die, Anna.
Fred: Lose a leg.
George: Or an arm.
Fred: Pack it in altogether.
"I love twins." Chuckled Sirius.
Twins: NEVER! [Anna chuckles.]
Seamus: Go on Anna, what's the clue? [Seamus hands Anna the golden egg.]
Anna: You all want me to open it? [Crowd cheers. She opens the egg and a loud horrific screech comes out, she closes it again.]
"Aaah." Cries out Remus, while covering his ears.
Anna: What the bloody hell was that?
Professor McGonagall: The yule ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. As representitives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance.
Narcissa seems excited for ball.
[Groans emerge from the boys who are listening on. The girls seem a lot more excited.]
Professor McGonagall: Silence. The house of Godrick Griffindore has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons.
Fred: (Whispering to George) Try saying that five times faster. [They try.]
Sirius and James try, too.
Professor McGonagall: (Continued) Now to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance.
Anna: I'll dance with you Minnie. I will.
"She is so much like you and Sirius." Chuckled Lily fondly. James and Sirius smile proudly.
Professor McGonagall: (with nostalgic eyes and small smile threatening to escape.) Ms. Potter stop calling me that nickname! Come on than. [Anna goes toward McGonagall] Now, place your right hand on my waist. [She does so and a wolf whistle comes from the crowd. Anna smirks and winks.]
People chuckle.
Professor McGonagall: Now bend your arm. Mr Filch... [The music starts.]
Professor McGonagall: One two three, one two three, one two three. Everybody come together. [The girls instantly stand and walk forward, the boys are all still seated.]
Professor McGonagall: Boys, on your feet. [Neville stands.]
[Later at the same day. Neville is looking at Rose and fidgeting, flowers behind his back.]
Anna: Hello, Neville! [Neville jumps startled.]
Neville: Oh... Hello, Anna!
Anna: Are you gonna ask her out or not? You have went and turned back from Rose at least 10 times.
"Rose and Neville? I ship it. They will make cute couple." Said Lily.
Neville: I–I didn't.
Anna: Oh, come on! It's not that hard. Just ask her out.
Neville: If it's not hard why don't you have a date?
Anna: I could if i wanted. Look! [Anna goes to Parvati and her friends.]
"She isn't.." started Lily.
"She is." Said amused Remus.
Anna: Hello, Parvati! Can we talk alone? [Parvati looks at her friends confused.]
Parvati: Of course. [They walk away.]
Anna: You look different. [Anna touches her lips.]
Anna: You changed your lipstick?
"Damn! She is good!" Said Barty.
Parvati: (blushing) Ye-yes. [Lavander is glaring at Anna, but Anna doesn't notice.]
Anna: It suits you. 
Parvati: (blushing) T-T-Thanks.
Anna: (seductively) I wanted to ask you something.
Parvati: What? [Anna quietly so Parvati won't hear whispers.]
Anna: Accio Flowers. [Anna catches flowers behind her back. She kneels and gives Parvati flowers.]
Anna: Will you be my partner on Ball?
"Charmer." Said amused Evan.
"Why does she have to be so much like me?" Groaned James.
"Karma is a bitch." Said Lily and laughed.
[Parvati smiles ear-to-ear and takes flowers shyly.]
Parvati: Y- Yes. [Parvati's friends squeal, except Lavanader who looks jaelous.]
"That girl looks jaelous. She might cause trouble." Said Regulus.
Anna: Thanks, sweetheart. You won't regret it. [Anna kisses Parvati on cheek, close to lips and walks toward Neville.]
Anna: And that's how it's done, Neville!
Neville: H-How?
Anna: Come on! I'll teach you how to get a girl!
"The best godsibling." Said Lily.
"Godsibling?" Asked James.
"Me and Alice made a promise to be each other's firstborns' godmothers, so they must be godsiblings." Explained Lily.

Anna Potter and the goblet of fireWhere stories live. Discover now