Chapter 13

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[Anna is walking along, we hear raised voices from inside the herbs store.]
Igor: It's a sign, Severus, you know what it means as well as I. [The door opens and they see Anna. She looks at them. Igor leaves.]
Severus: Potter! What's your hurry? Congratulations, your performance in the black lake was inspiring. Gilliweed, am I correct?
"He gets on my nerves." Said James. Sirius nodded.
Anna: Yes, sir.
Severus: Ingenious. A rather rare herb gilliweed, not something found in your every day garden. Nor is this, know what it is?
Anna: Bubble juice, sir?
Severus: Veritaserum. Three drops of this and you-know-who himself will spill his darkest secrets. The use of this on a student is regrettably forbidden, however should you ever steal from my personal stores again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice.
"He threatens my goddaughter?!" Said glaring Sirius.
"Pads, He needs another prank, don't you think?" Said smirking James. Sirius smirked back.
"Oh, he does." Said Sirius.
Anna: You do that and my mouth might slip and land you in Azkaban. After all who will they believe? The saviour of the wizarding world or ex-death eater?!
"That's my daughter, bitches!" Yelled James proudly. People chuckled.
Anna: I haven't stolen anything and now i would really apprecate if you get out of my way! [Snape glares at her.]
Severus: Don't threaten me. Gilliweed might be innocuous, but boomslang skin? lacewing flies? You and your friends are brewing polyjuice potion and believe me I'm going to find out why.
"No. That's too second year thing to do." Joked Sirius.
"Not funny." Said Remus. Sirius shrugged.
[Severus closes the door in Anna's face.]
Anna: (yelled) Good luck, Professor!
[Music is playing and a large crowd is gathered. The champions emerge.] Dumbledore: Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Ms. Potter... [Anna's friends cheer on hearing her name.]
Dumbledore: (continued) She will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Diggory... [The crowd cheers.] 
Everyone is nervous.
Dumbledore: (continued) The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round.
Dumbledore: (To the contestants) In the maze you'll find not dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something more challenging.
"What is more challenging?!" Said annoyed and worried Lily.
Dumbledore: You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can, but be very weary you could just lose yourselves along the way.
Mad-eye: Champions! Prepare yourselves. [Cedric hugs his father.]
Dumledore: On the count of three... ONE... [The cannon goes off. Mr Filch shrugs comically. Dumbledore groans. Anna and Cedric enter the maze through different entrances. The entrance closes up behind Anna. Heavy mist sets in, we pan out to see the maze is many stories tall. Anna starts traversing the maze, creature noises are all around. Cedric is walking along, the maze walls begin to close in on him. He makes a run for it. Fleur is running around scared, she is attacked and knocked down. Viktor comes along and sees she's unconscious on the ground, he walks on. Anna sees Fleur being swallowed into the undergrowth.]
Everyone is more worried know.
"What's happening?" Asked worried James.
Anna: Fleur? Fleur! [She's too late she's disappeared. She sends up a red spark into the air. A heavy wind starts blowing, walls are closing in, Anna runs. Anna sees something shining in the distance and he moves towards it, Viktor tries to zap her but misses.]
Cedric: Get down! [Anna ducks and Viktor gets zapped by Cedric. Cedric runs up and kicks the wand out of Viktor's hand. He points his wand at Viktor's body as if to finish him off, Anna runs up and intervenes.]
Anna: No stop! He's bewitched, Cedric. [They struggle.]
Cedric: Get off me!
Anna: He's bewitched!
"You are in a deadly tournament! First you then everyone else!" Yelled Barty.
[The two of them begin running towards the cup. The undergrowth grabs Cedric and he falls to the ground. Anna looks back. Cedric is pinned down with no means of escape.]
Cedric: Anna! Anna! [Anna zaps the plantlife and Cedric wriggles free. Anna helps him up.]
"Fucking Gryffindors!" Said annoyed Evan. (He's secretaly worried for Anna.)
Cedric: You know for a moment there, I thought you were gonna let it get me.
Anna: For a moment, so did I.
Cedric: Some game, huh?
Anna: Some game. [The wind starts blowing again.]
Cedric: Go. Take it, you saved me!
Anna: Together, on three. One, two, three!

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