Chapter 7

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[We're zoomed in on a badge, it depicts Cedric on a bright yellow background. Then the badge spins and shows Anna on a green background with the words "Potter Stinks" on it. As Anna walks along other pupils aim insults at her saying she stinks. A young boy runs past.]
Boy: Cedric rules!
Anna: Thanks. [Anna gets to a doorway, two pupils stand in his way.]
Boy: Like the badge?
"Arseholes!" Said James.
Anna: Potter stinks? Really?! Are we in kidengarden?
"Seems like it." Said Lily.
[They glare at her, Anna pushes her way through. She approaches Cedric who is standing around with his friends. Cedric's friends hurl off more insults.]
Anna: (to Cedric) Can I have a word?
Cedric: Alright. [They walk away some distance.]
Anna: Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of us.
"Ugghhh.. stop acting like a Gryffindor!" Said Barty.
"She is a Gryffindor." Said Evan.
"Nooo. She's my little snake." Said Barty.
"No, she's my little lioness!" Said James.
"No..." Started Barty.
"Don't start again!" Yelled Lily and Evan and hit their boyfriends' heads. James and Barty sulked. Lily and Evan nodded at each other.
Cedric: Are you serious? And Fleur and Krum, do they...?
Anna: Yes. [Cassiopeia is walking with Theo and Blair and she suddenly stops, when she sees Anna and Cedric and looks Jaelous.]
Theo: Why did you stop?
Cassie: Nothing. [Blair has knowing smirk.]
"She will do something stupid." Said Narcissa.
"How do you know?" Asked Regulus.
"That's the face Lucius makes before doing something moronic." Said Narcissa.
"Hey!" Said Lucius.
[Camera pans back to Cedric and Anna.
Cedric: Hey listen, about the badges. I've asked them not to wear them.
"He seems nice guy." Said Lily.
Anna: Don't worry about it. Trust me those badges are least of my problems.
[Rose and Seamus are walking along. Anna approaches them. Cassie calls out, she's sitting up a tree.]
Cassie: Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five.
Narcissa gave a look that said 'I told you so'.
Anna: I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic.
Cassie: (angry) How dare you-?! [Anna walks away and Cassie angrily tries casting a spell. Mad-Eye appears and quickly turns Malfoy into a ferret.]
Mad-eye: I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned.
"He's dead." Said Narcissa with calm and cold voice. The voice that run shivers down everyone's spines. Sirius looked at his cousin surprised.
"How dares he harm the heiress of the most ancien and the nobel house of Malfoy?!" Said Lucius while shaking with rage.
"Transfigurating human is dangerous. It might hurt her or cause serious disability if something goes wrong!" Said Regulus, with cold and murderous eyes. Even Barty glared at Mad-eye, because he became fond of the girl.
Blair: What are you doing?!
Theo: Turn her back! Now!
Professor McGonagall: Professor Moody what are you doing?
Mad-eye: Teaching.
"I will teach you why you shouldn't mess with Malfoy house when i get out of here!" Said enraged Lucius.
Professor McGonagall: Is that a student?
Mad-eye: Technically it's a ferret.
Slytherins, including Evan and Barty look like they are about to go on a killing spree.
[Mad-Eye is making the ferret hover around. He sends it up the Theo's trouser leg. She squirms and looks uncomfortable.]
"That's it! I will rip him limb by limb!" Yelled Lucius and Lucius tried to send a curse at Mad-eye, but magic doesn't work in the room. Regulus is planning how he will make Moody's death seem like accident with Evan and Barty's help. Narcissa gets out her dagger and throws it at Mad-eye's head, but it went throught him.
"Narcissa is never angry. She is always calm and collected." Said scared Sirius.
"Where did she get the dagger?" Asked Remus.
[Everyone else is laughing.]
Slytherins are glaring at laughing students. Surprisingly, Lily is doing same.
[Mad-Eye winks to Anna and Anna glares at him. Theo takes out wand quietly and aims at Mad-eye.]
Theo: Stupefy! [Mad-eye flies.] CONSTANT VIGILANCE, DICK!
"I like that boy!" Said Narcissa.
"He should have cursed him." Said Lucius.
"He was being watched." Reminded Regulus.
Professor McGonagall: Mr. Nott! 10 points from Slytherin!
"She took points from him?! It's unfair! He was protecting his friend!" Said James.
"He hexed a teacher. For something like that student might get expelled or get months of detention, but she took off only 10 points, because she understood he was protecting his friend." Explained Lily. Slytherins were surprised at McGonagall's action, but they were too angry to show any other emotion.
[Theo rolls his eyes. Eventually Cassie comes back out and McGonagall turns Cassie back to normal. Cassie runs away. Blair and Theo follow.]
Slytherins and Lily look at her worried.
[Mad-eye stands up.]
Professor McGonagall: We never use transfigration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that. 
Mad-eye: He might've mentioned it.
Professor McGonagall: Well you will do well to remember it.
Mad-eye: (To Anna) come with me.
[Mad-Eye takes off his prosthetic leg and takes a seat.]
Mad-eye: That's a foal glass. Lets me keep an eye on my enemies. If I can see the whites of their eyes they're standing right behind me. [A noise emerges from a trunk on the floor and it shakes.]
Mad-eye: Wouldn't even bother telling you what's in there. You wouldn't believe it, if I did. Now... what are you going to do about your dragon?
Sltherins still glared at Moody.
Anna: Oh... um... You know I just thought I'd...
Mad-eye: Sit. Listen to me Potter. Your pal Diggory, by your age he could take a whistle into a watch and have it sing you the time. Miss Delacour, she's as much a fairy princess as I am. As for Krum, his head may be filled with sawdust but Karkaroff's is NOT. They'll have a strategy, and you can bet that it'll play to Krum's strengths. Hmm? Come on Potter. What are your strengths?
"I still don't like him." Said Lily.
Anna: Um... I dunno.. I can fly. I mean I'm a fair flyer.
"Better than fair." Said James.
Mad-eye: Better than fair the way I heard it.
Anna: But I'm not allowed a broom.
Mad-eye: You're allowed a wand.
[At the same time, Blair and Theo are running after Cassie.]
Blair: You go, bring her clean clothes!
Theo: What?
Blair: She won't want to be seen with dirty, bloody clothes! Go, bring her something. I'll talk to her.
"Bloody?" Asked worried Narcissa.
Theo: But... [Blair glares.] Okay. [Theo goes.]
[Cassie run in bathroom, closed door and started crying.]
"No one makes my daughter cry!" Said furrious Lucius.
[Blair knocks. Cassie ignores.]
Blair: Don't make me take down the door!
Cassie: Go away!
Blair: I'll blow it up! [Cassie ignores her again. Blair opens door with alahomora and pushes door with Cassie and goes into bathroom and kneels in front of Cassie.]
Blair: (softly) Hi, Cas!
Cassie: I don't need your pity! Leave me alone!
Narcissa, Lucius and Regulus are sad they can't help Cassie.
Blair: I amn't here for that. I'm here because i'm your friend and you need me.
Blair: You do. Everyone does. [Blair wipes Cassie's tears away] Look! I understand that the minute you get out of here everyone whisper and laugh about you, but you're not alone. You have me and Theo. Don't let them get to you! Don't give them satisfication of knowing they managed to hurt you. If you show sharks you're bleeding, they will attack you more. If you don't react, they'll forget it soon.
"She is a good friend." Said Narcissa approvingly. Lucius nodded.
Blair: As i like to say keep your head held high and your middle finger higher.
Everyone chuckles.
"I like her." Said Evan. Regulus and Barty nodded.
[They laugh. Theo comes in with clothes.]
Theo: Am i interrupting?
Blair: (annoyed) Yes. We were having cute sister moment and your idiotic self interrupted.
Narcissa smiled at girl.
Theo: umm... sorry? [Cassie chuckles.]
Theo: Here i brought you clothes.
Cassie: Thanks. Both of you.
Blair: Always and Forever, Cassie.
Cassie&Theo: Always and forever. [Blair and Theo leave Cassie to change.]
"Aww. They even have a cute promise." Said Barty.

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