Chapter 9

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[Hagrid and Madame Maxime are walking together.]
Hagrid: I take after my mum. Though I didn't know her very well, she left when I was about three. No, not the maternal sort her, broke my dad's heart though. You know he was a tiny little fellow my dad, I could pick him up with one hand by the age of six and put him up in the dresser. [They laugh together and have a moment.]
"I never thought i would see Hagrid on date." Said  James.
Hagrid: And then he died when I was still in school. So I had to make me own way as it were. But enough of me, what about you!
"Sad." Said Lily.
Neville: You took my flowers.
Anna: So? You're rich, i'm sure you can buy more and Rose likes chocolates more anyway.
Neville: Oh... [They walk in dorm.]
Neville: You haven't said you're lesbian.
Anna: Well... You have never asked. I have never really hidden it.
"She didn't." Said Sirius.
"Unlike you, who hided it from even yourself. You don't know how insufferable it was that you couldn't realise you had crush on Remus." Said James. Lily nodded.
"Shut up!" Said Sirius and hit James in stomach. Remus chuckled.
Anna: Now imagine i'm Rose and ask me out.
Neville: What?
Anna: Do it. [Neville walks toward her and opens his mouth to say something, when...]
Anna: No, no and no!
Neville: I haven't even said anything!
Anna: And you're already doing everything wrong. Don't be so awkward! Girls don't like awkwardness, they like confidence. Now raise your chin up and make eyecontact with me. [Neville does it.] Yeah, like that. And stop playing with your fingers! [Nevile stops] Ok, now remember this and do it again! [Nevile goes back where he was and walks toward Anna.]
Anna: Better! Now ask me out!
"They are cute." Chuckled Lily.
[Neville is walking up some steps. He reaches the top and bumps into Rose who has come around the corner.]
Rose: Nevile!
Neville: Rose!
Rose: Watch yourself on the stairs, it's a bit icey at the top.
Neville: Ok, thanks. Rose?
Rose: Yes? [Nevile brings out chocolates.]
Nevile: Um. [Neville tries to look confident.]
Some laugh.
"Hey! He's trying!" Defended Lily.
Neville: I just wondered if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me?
Rose: Oh. Um. Sure.
Neville: Okay than. [Neville turns to walk away and than turns back to Rose wide eyed.]
Neville: You said yes?
Now even Lily laughs.
Rose: (laughing) I said yes!
Neville: Ok. Good. Good. Great. [Neville stumbles back when leaving. Rose laughs.]
"He is such a cinnamon roll." Chuckled Lily.
[Rose stands grimly before a mirror in her dress. She shakes his head, mutters in disbelief.]
Rose: Bloody hell...

Fashionesta trio (Lucius, Regulus and Narcissa) looked at dress like it personally offended them

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Fashionesta trio (Lucius, Regulus and Narcissa) looked at dress like it personally offended them.
[Anna steps out.]


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Anna Potter and the goblet of fireWhere stories live. Discover now