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When suddenly a pidgey came with a letter in its clawas, Red and Ash stood on their track.

Ash opened the letter from pidgeys feet and pidgey flew off, And Ash Read the letter.

"Dear Ash Ketchum and Red ketchum, This is an official invitation for you two for the pokemon world cornation seris. You two need to be their within 28th december. It will be held in Kanto region Indigo leauge and then will rotate till all regions.

-charles Goodshow.

P. S. - You two were very hard to happen, proffesor Oak told us what happend, don't worry We will take care of that Ash."

"Wow." Ash said

"Should we go?" Ash asked Red

"I think it will be a great revenge for you." Red said

"Ok pack up now we will go tomorow to Rota." Red said


(Verse 1)
In a world of Pokémon, where bonds are strong,
A tale of trust and betrayal in this song.
The Betrayed Guardian, once full of grace,
Now stands alone in a desolate place.

Pokémon Betrayed, in shadows they dwell,
Their heart once open, now locked in a shell.
In the world of trainers, where dreams are made,
The Betrayed Guardian, forever betrayed.

(Verse 2)
Once loyal and true, they fought by their side,
In battles and journeys, together they'd ride.
But darkness consumed their trainer's heart,
Tearing the bond that had been there from the start.

Pokémon Betrayed, in shadows they dwell,
Their heart once open, now locked in a shell.
In the world of trainers, where dreams are made,
The Betrayed Guardian, forever betrayed.

But deep down within, the Guardian's flame burned,
A flicker of hope, a lesson to be learned.
To rise above betrayal, and find their own way,
In the world of Pokémon, they'd see a new day.

(Verse 3)
With strength and with courage, they stood up tall,
Against the one who'd caused their downfall.
A battle of hearts, a fight for what's right,
To mend what was broken, and bring back the light.

Pokémon Betrayed, they reclaimed their grace,
With honor and valor, they'd find their place.
In the world of trainers, where dreams are remade,
The Betrayed Guardian, no longer betrayed.

In a world of Pokémon, where trust can be tried,
The story of the Betrayed, now full of pride.
For in the face of betrayal, they found their way,
In this world of adventure, they'll always stay.

Ash was sleepimg in his tent as well as Red.

Ash suddenly wake up from a dream sweating very hard.

"That was a very Frighting dream." Ash thought

Ash quickly got out of his tent and saw the star outside of the window.

Suddenly Ash and pikachu was teleported to Hall of orgins where Arceus was standing with all of the legendries with it.

Ash was shocked to see that many legendaries at a same place.

"Ash ketchum." Arceus said

"We are very sorry you were betrayed, You have saved the world countless time even me. I am sorry for your lose, Ash. But a bigger problem is rising." Arceus said

Pokemon: The Betrayed Gurdian Where stories live. Discover now