In order to facilitate the care of Yiqiu, Fuxuan put the office at home, and now when he is working, as long as he looks up, he can see Yiqiu's figure, and the whole is more motivated.

It's just that he hasn't finished laughing yet, a video was forced in, and Fu Xuan could only click helplessly after seeing who it was.

"Stinky boy, why didn't you tell me when Yiqiu was pregnant?! In the video, his mother's phantom was almost on his face.

Fu Xuan didn't have any expression on his face, but continued the work at hand, and took the time to say, "Don't you know now?" Surprise? "

Old Mother: ...

On the other hand, the Star Net competition has reached its climax, and everyone is discussing who will win.

"I think Tang Shen is definitely the champion.

"Don't be so confident, okay?" Guth is the ultimate victor.

"You're just talking big, aren't you? Could it be that there is nothing else except Gu Si and Tang Shen?

"If you want me to say that among these players, Gu Si and Tang Shen are the most likely to win the championship.

"I agree with that.

"Don't be too sure, I think there are other players to look forward to.

"Anyway, let's keep reading. "

Everyone couldn't discuss the results, so they watched the game, and then there was a showdown of the top five, where two people were eliminated from the five, and finally three people competed for the championship.

"Do you think Tang Shen will be up to Gu Si? Wouldn't it be better if one of the other players was eliminated? "That secretly rubbed speech.

"Yes, but not necessarily now. Sure

enough, it was Brigney who was confronting Guth.

Brini: ... With mixed feelings, he wanted to abstain.

Thinking like this, although he knew that he couldn't win the boss, the dignity of men made him have to fight.

"Boss, I'm here. Brini shouted, piloting the mecha and rushing towards Shan Yu.

Shan Yu: ...

Although he felt a little embarrassed, Shan Yu still accompanied Brini for several rounds, and didn't kick him out immediately, even if he wanted to...

Then the people in the audience began to talk again.

"Did you find it? The battle between them was unexpectedly good-looking, is it my delusion?

...... I also think, very what, elegant? feelings.

"I also found out, and suddenly I don't want to end like this, I want to watch it like this.

Tang Shen, who

was silently watching the game in the audience, watched this game and thought it was very interesting, he was very interested in these weapons. Looking carefully at the battle between the two people, he found that Gu Si had been driving each other, as if he was teaching each other, he was faintly envious, and looked at the small mecha with eagerness.

Although he has always been a young genius in the eyes of others, he is only fifteen years old, and he usually looks mature and steady, but occasionally he has a childish heart, and now he is full of jealousy of Brigny like a child who can't eat sugar.

Soon the game ended, and without surprise, Gusi won, and the fans called him excitedly.

Matt and the others smiled and congratulated him, and Shan Yu gave them a smile back. At this time, he heard a prompt sound to add friends, and Shan Yu clicked on the light screen to look at it, and couldn't help but be a little surprised, it was Tang Shen who asked to add friends.

Shan Yu did not refuse, clicked and agreed, and the other party quickly sent a private message: Hello, Gu Si.

Shan Yu: Hello, Tang Shen.

Tang Shen: Just call me Xiao Tou.

Shan Yu: ... That's not very good.

Tang Shen: How could it be, I forgot to say it, the person who asked you to help make the mecha before was my housekeeper, he should have told you, right?

Shan Yu raised his eyebrows and replied: It turned out to be you, I watched your game, you generally fight in close combat, and you have a strong ability to imitate.

A smile flashed in Tang Shen's eyes: So I want to ask you to help me make the same weapon as yours, the price is easy to say.

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