At first, because of his smaller mechs than usual, and then because of his strange weapons, they didn't see any weapons other than a red whip, maybe because the big guy was so skilled that he didn't have the opportunity to use other weapons at all.

Because everyone has found that he is at ease in every battle, and his whip is also very powerful, hard liver is useless, because his whip can entangle you anywhere, how can there be conditions for hard liver?

Of course, in addition to this big guy, there are two other people who are also dark horses in this game, and the weapons are very similar to the big guy's, and their way of fighting is very special, like what, like what?

Someone shouted, "This is... Gu Wu, right? I've seen it in a certain document before, these weapons were all used by people at that time, although they are not as direct as energy swords, but this kind of thing is interesting. "

Gu Wu? What is that? "

I seem to have heard it, I heard it from the old man when I was a child.

"I think there was such a weapon. "

What's that, Xiao Transparent can't understand your boss's conversation at all..."Of

course, in addition to them, the other contestants are also very concerned, and one of them is a bunch of fans who are calling frantically.

"Tang Shen!! "

Wow, Tang God has appeared! There

were a bunch of shouts in the audience, and Shan Yu, Brini, and Anan were also sitting in the audience watching the game.

Because it was a 10-man race, in order to attract spectators, this time it was all a turn race, and the other players could watch the game from the audience.

The two people who are fighting now are Matt and the popular Tang God. Matt actually watched the game called Tang Shen, he was a little nervous, and had to admit that that person was really powerful, mainly because the opponent's Xi learning ability was very strong, every time he fought against others, he could Xi 100% of the opponent's Xi, and use it flexibly to defeat the opponent, so when he heard that his opponent this time was Tang Shen, Matt was not sure. But he can get to this point, he is already very satisfied, no matter what, as long as he works hard, he will not leave any regrets, he will definitely go all out.

Tang Shen manipulated the mecha and looked at the other side, his eyes were full of interest, he knew this person, because of his weapons and the way of fighting, but he was more looking forward to the battle with Gu Si, that person was the real opponent in this game.

But he doesn't hate the other party, because the other party promised to make a mecha for him, he is very curious about what kind of mecha it will be, that's right, that's the boy surnamed Tang who asked Shan Yu to make a mecha, he also participated in this Star Net competition, although he is only fifteen years old, but he has outstanding ability, he is already a student of Prance, and he can enter just after he graduates from middle school, and he can be said to be a very promising teenager.

Don't look at his immature face, but his heart is very mature, and many people always think that he is a mature master when they don't know his true face.

Just when everyone was nervous and looking forward to it, a cold female voice sounded: Turn on the battle mode, ask the two players to get ready, and the game begins.

Matt controlled the mecha and pulled out two short knives, and the audience who saw this scene was in a commotion, all of them were discussing.

"Maizi has drawn his sword, I don't know if Tang Shen can deal with it? "

Maizi is Matt's screen name.

Someone immediately retorted: "Are you kidding?!" Who is Tang Shen, how can he not cope with it because of the other party's different tricks? Besides, Tang Shen can imitate a master, there is no suspense at all, okay? The

man at the beginning: "That's what I said."

Shan Yu glanced back at the two people who were discussing, indeed, Tang Shen's imitation ability is very strong, he probably belongs to the strong when he is strong, but Matt is also very hard-working, before this, he also deliberately helped Matt strengthen his training, so it is difficult to say who will win and lose in this competition.

Then the battle began, Tang Shen took out his energy lightsaber and rushed straight over, only listening to a few "bang" sounds, the two mecha fought against each other for several rounds, but Shan Yu suddenly felt that Tang Shen's battle method was a little familiar, Brini opened his mouth and pointed to the battle area and muttered: "This, isn't this my way of fighting?" "Because Brini uses a sword, Tang Shen imitates Brini's way of fighting, and he is very proficient in using it.

Brini: ... Mixed feelings.

Usually, Matt and Brini have practiced a lot Xi, but they soon realized that something was wrong, and then looked at the mecha on the opposite side with a strange expression, can the energy lightsabar be used like this? But he didn't have time to think too much, the other party attacked him again, and the two of them actually tied like this.

Tang Shen wrinkledfrowned, not very satisfied, so he changed the way of fighting, the attack was more rapid, Matt gradually became more difficult to parry, too fast, he couldn't keep up, but because of Shan Yu's previous instructions, a lot of resistance was an instinctive reaction, so he was on par with the other party.

In the course of the battle, Tang Shen kept changing the battle mode, as if he was constantly testing the other party.

Someone asked strangely: "What is Tang Shen doing, why haven't you defeated the other party?"

"Tang Shen's battle this time is too slow, right? What is he doing?

"I guess he's learning how Xi wheat fights. Someone wittily said.

Matt gritted his teeth and whirled around with the other party, seeing that the opponent's move changed again, Matt's eyes sank, and he planned to fight quickly, so he used a killer move, flew out of the opponent's melee range, threw his double knives at the opponent, and took out the energy gun when he dodged to shoot.

Tang Shen squinted his eyes and thought: This is your last trick? After he dodged the energy gun's strafing, he suddenly instinctively chilled, and then the mecha warning sounded: Warning warning, the mecha's right arm has been damaged, and the mecha's right arm has been damaged, please repair it in time.

Tang Shen couldn't help laughing, a little interesting.

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