School comes with suprises

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Dance comes first

The bright lights shone in my face I could hear the crowd cheering my name the music suddenly started and I did my first dance move onto the stage .
I let my body move to the rhythm of the music .I felt so happy doing the thing I love.

I had finished my dance it was now time to decide the winner the other dancers lined up on stage and the host came on the stage with the results and he spoke into his mike

H:and the winner is ..........

But before he could announce the name I...... Woke up this happens every-time

The sun was blaring through my windows and the sound of my alarm was ringing through my ears . I slapped my phone to stop the alarm to try and doze back to sleep but before I could my mum came barging into my room to make sure I was awake .

M: darling time to get up you will be late for school."

I gave her a little groan but I quickly sat up and gave her a little smile and she quickly smile .

M: what would you like for breakfast love

Me: hmm pancakes please

M: ok I will go make them now

Oh I guess I should introduce my self my name is Lexi lanyer and I'm 17 and I live in New Zealand with my mother Anna . One of my favourite things to do is dancing I love anything to do with dancing so that's me .

I quickly jumped out of bed and I did a little pirouette and walked into my bathroom and had a shower and got dressed in my school uniform . I then look at my time table for the day and I had

Period 1and 2 maths

3 woodwork

4 English

5 and 6 dance

My eyes lit up with excitement when I saw I had dance I then quickly packed my dance clothes and shoes . School was the only chance i had to do dance because where we live in New Zealand there isn't much of a opportunity to do dance .

I had collected my things and I then did a plié on my dance bar and did a few leg kicks and I head down stairs for breakfast.

M: here are your pancakes sweetie

L: thanks mum

M : did you do your dance exercises this morning

L: yes mum " I then had my last bite of pancake and gave my mum a kiss on the cheek and I left for school."


I had arrived at school and I was at my locker grabbing my things for maths I then felt someone jump on my back and cover my eyes I had one guess who it was my best friend Chelsea .

C: guess who

L : Bob is that you " I giggled

C: close but no

L: I guess it has to be Chelsea then

C: haha yep it is" she the hops off my back and turns me around so I'm facing her"

L: what's up " I say closing my locker and picking up my bag

C : not much I heard mrs ferd Our maths teacher is away and we have a casual"

L: finally a day without her she can be a cranky basterd some times "

C: I know "chelsea gives me a high five in agreement

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