Soon, Xiao Ai was discharged from the hospital, he has never been so energetic since he was a child, he feels that his whole body is full of strength now, and he faintly feels that there is something to rush out...

"Xiao Ai, you... Is it really okay? Mai Rui also asked a little uneasily, after all, he almost hurt Xiao Ai, he has always been very self-blaming in his heart, and now he still feels unreal.

"Stinky boy, how many times are you going to ask? Finally, Xiao Ai can be the same as a normal person, why do you ask so much? Mai Rui was slapped by his father and said angrily.

Xiao Ai didn't care, he was very happy now, so he kept a happy smile on his face.

Shan Yu couldn't help but feel a little envious when he looked at the happy smile on their family's face, which reminded him of his grandmother, in his heart, grandma has always been a gentle and strong woman, so to speak, he also grew up in a loving environment, so he will not feel regretful.

He smiled, said hello to the family, and left.

When Matt saw the back of Shan Yu leaving, his heart suddenly moved, and he thought of a possibility, and somehow, his heart was full of enthusiasm.

Although he wasn't sure, Xiao Ai was obviously hopeless before, but just after that night, Xiao Ai suddenly became miraculously healthy, and the most impossible things happened, what else is impossible.

"I owe Xiaoyu too much..."

"Big brother, what did you say? Merry asked curiously.

Matt shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's go, let's celebrate."

"Quick, go over there and look for it!"

"Damn, where the hell did that kid go? "

Don't worry, he won't be able to run far.

"You also said that you obviously used that invisibility talisman for us, and you blamed you for suddenly making a move, but that kid is too alert, it's really unlucky!

"You can't blame me for that, who knew that kid would notice something was wrong. "

Don't say it, chase after him, don't let him run, or you'll be busy in vain." Until

the footsteps faded away, a slender figure emerged from the corner, who seemed to be injured and had some difficulty walking.

The sporadic moonlight was casting, and the man's eyebrows and eyes could be faintly seen.

It was a somewhat handsome young man, with a grim face that showed determination, and he covered his injured arm and went in the other direction.

"Xiaoyou..." The young man stumbled forward with difficulty and staggered, not letting himself fall.

He can't fall, he still has important people to protect, and he must not fall!

"Big brother, what's wrong with you? Hacker Boy Carey asked strangely.

Bede looked at the two teenagers beside him and asked, "Why isn't Condensation there?" "

Huh? Isn't he there? Carey scratched his head blankly.

Mu Youbai glanced at him, and said speechlessly: "Let you stay up less late and make up for your brain more, look, stupid, right?"

"Stinky wood, who is stupid?

"Isn't that you?

"I don't have it, isn't he usually in the training room?

"Maybe there's something going on at home. Mu Yu didn't care, he played with a flower in his hand, and said casually.

They all know that Condensation has always been very desperate, in addition to fighting in his life, he is his younger brother, even if the four of them occasionally get together, they are practicing Xi in the training room.

"Don't worry, the condensation will be fine, he's strong. Mu You said.

"yes, the condensation is super powerful, hey, it's a pity I can't go to him, otherwise we can meet in reality. Carey said.

The four of them have been together for so long in the Star Network, and they have long formed a deep friendship, but it's a pity that they can't help themselves, and there is too much helplessness in reality.

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