Chapter 3

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Emma's POV
I was on the Jolly Roger with Hook learning how to steer. Man was I happy that I could get a taste of the ocean on a ship. When I was younger I always wanted to live like a fairytale. But little did I know I was gonna fall in love with a fairytale figure.

"So then you place your hands on the wheel like this! There you got it!"

I smiled as I started to steer. I let go and went to the edge to take in the view of the ocean. Hook came up next to me and he smiled as well.

"Enjoying the view love?"

"I love it! I'm happy you decided to teach me how to do this."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and then we shared a kiss. It was amazing until I heard Hook grunt in pain.


I pulled away and saw that he was clutching his chest on where his heart would be. He had a face of agony.

"Killian!? What's wrong?"

He looked up at me and fell to his knees still in pain. I was frozen not knowing what to do.


I kneeled down and he was struggling to breathe. He then fell unconscious. I tried to shake him up but there was no response. I then see that Regina teleported here and saw the situation. She teleported me to her office and Hook was gone.


"Don't worry he's fine. I'm sure Dr.Whale will help."

"Regina do you know what was wrong?"

"He's was in pain and passed out from it. A pirate can take so much."

"No I mean what caused it?"

"I don't know heartburn? It happens."

Emma knows well that heartburn doesn't do that.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 14 ⏰

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