Chapter 2 "Hide."

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"I suggest you show some respect dearie. After all I can take your life right now."

Rumple then take out Hooks heart and started squeezing it. Hook fell to his knees screaming in pain.

"That is music to my ears."

"Your a sick man Crocodile! I cant believe some young lady can fall in love with a monster like you."

Hook got back up holding his balance With his one hand on the table. He looked at Rumple with pure hatred.

"The way I see it Dearie, I'm getting my revenge from you stabbing me with my Hook. And trying to kill me, twice!"

"Look Rumple. Wouldn't you be upset if I killed Belle?" Hook asked.

Rumple thought for a bit. Sure he would crave bloodshed if someone were to hurt Belle. But the reason he killed his ex wife is because he was heartbroken. She literally admitted to toying with him the whole time. He was angry and never intended to kill her, in fact he was actually planning to never see her again and let her be with Hook. He was also very ticked off that she left Bae for a selfish pirate.

"Of course I would be Dearie. But you should know Villians never play fair. And most of all. Villians.Cant.Get.Happy.endings. Especially pirates. And let's be real! No one would miss you."

"Emma and Henry are nobodies now?"

"Watch your mouth you filthy pirate!"

Emma POV
"All I'm saying is you guys can be nicer to Hook." I said as I slammed a box of nails on the table.

"Nice to a pirate? I don't think so sister!"

"Yeah I hate pirates! And do you even know what he has done?"

I have had enough!

"Yeah! And Ruby you killed people when turned to a wolf! You maybe heroes but everyone has flaws."

"Sister, I get your the saviour and all but you don't need to defend a pirate like him."

I was about to say something until Hook came out of the building. He looked off though, like his body is in the room but not really there.
He walked over and everyone went silent.

"Hello Love. Anything else need to be done?"

"Hook are you alright."

I notice that he has a bruise on his face.

"What happened to your face brother?" Grumpy asked.

"I don't see how that's quite any of your buisness. Now if my work here is done I best be going."  Hook was about to leave before I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Hook is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Not at all love." He then left. I know he's lying! I do have that super power from my mother Snow White. I guess it's mother instincts.

"He seems up to something." Granny says.

"Granny not everyone who doesn't want to talk to people are up to something."

I walked after him. Fairytale heroes are exhausting sometimes. I looked up and saw Hook was just in front of me with his hand and hook in his jacket pockets. Now that I think about it he's not wearing what he usually wears as a pirate. Just black jeans with boots and a jacket with a grey shirt. He still has his single hook earring though.

"Hook!" I run up and started walking next to him.

"Hook I know when someone is lying. And I know there's something you wanna tell me."

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