Chapter 17

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"My dad will be able to carry the both of us at the same time, bella."

"Same for my dad."


My dad is getting worse

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My dad is getting worse.

I didn't want to say it but it's the truth. I couldn't fake my emotions around him anymore, seeing him and the damage his heart problem is causing him makes my stomach drop. I wanted to believe that was just blip in our timeline, but this was real.

My dad was getting worse mentally as well as physically and today we were going to the doctor to get him checked up. My mom had asked for me to join and I knew that I was going to say yes. My dad had asked me previously, he had pulled me aside and said, "Matteo this doctor's appointment is very important. I need you to be there for your mom, okay?"

Of course I would say yes. I would do anything for my loved ones. I'm saying goodbye to Valeria and Gabby now. They both have a hand in both of mine as we walk next door to Oliver's house. Aurora was going to be home today as well and they had asked to watch over the twins today.

I knock on the door and as soon as it is open, my little sisters rip their hand away from mine and run toward Elena who Oliver said was in the kitchen. I can hear the girls giggling from the next room over and I smile at that; I was glad they were happy.

"You're going with them?", Oliver asks, his hazel eyes on mine. I nod, running a hand through my hair that wasn't cooperating with me today. Valentina's father offers me a huge smile and says, "You're getting so much more mature now, Matteo."

"Thank you for saying I was immature back then", I say to him in a joking manner and Oliver laughs and I follow suit with him. Pretty blonde hair comes into view as I laugh and I look over at Oliver's shoulder to see Valentina on the staircase.

For some reason, the other people around us knew when exactly to leave so we could speak to each other. I didn't know how, but they slipped away in the cracks and it was just the both of us now. Valentina holds up a sandwich bag filled with cookies and walks over to me with a smile.

"Teo", she says to me excitedly when she gets closer to me. "I heard that today is a big day", she says and I nod. She holds up the bag and extends it toward me. "I followed Jude's recipe, I hope it tastes as good as hers", she says humbly and I take the bag with a small smile.

Ever since Valentina was little she would always follow my mom around and learn to bake with her. I don't know how I remember the first time she baked something and had given for me to taste but I do. She had adorable ribbons in her two braids that my mom had surely given her. Her smile was wide as she placed the chocolate chip cookies that looked to be too cooked but I still took them from her.

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