Chapter 6

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"When we grow up, we will never continuously yell at each other"

"When we grow up, we will never continuously yell at each other"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I'm getting tired of waiting on Valentina.

For the second time in a week, she has stood me up. I'm waiting in my car for her to come out of her house so I can teach her a few things about driving. Her father had trusted me enough to teach his daughter how to drive. The fact that Oliver trusts me that much is a very big compliment.

It's been over an hour and I'm getting tired of waiting for her. The sun is supposed to set in an hour and I have to get inside to do homework. I shut off my car and get out of it. I wonder what it making her late today. I wonder if I were to go up to her room this time if I would find her under a guy. I really hope not. I didn't want to see that.

I knock on the front door and it opens up immediately. "Teo", Valentina's little sister, Elena, says with a smile when she sees me. I smile back at her and ask, "Where's your sister?"

"Probably upstairs doing her makeup", Elena says shrugging. She opens the door wider for me and I walk inside the house cautiously. I look behind me and find Elena walking back to the couch where her favorite show is on. "Question: Will I find a guy in her room?", I ask her.

Elena's eyebrows furrow in confusion for a few seconds before she shakes her head. "Ethan didn't come around today", she says and I nod. Thank God, I didn't want to see him again. I still remember the way he was staring at me when Valentina was handing me her gift for me last weekend. He had stared at me hard when I had reluctantly kissed her cheek as well.

I wasn't sure what his problem was but it was definitely me. He had only stopped glaring at me after Valentina moved away from me. I didn't know what to think. He had liked her, that's for sure. Maybe he was just insecure about the relationship Valentina and I have which is kinda funny considering it's nonexistent.

I head up the stairs thinking about how she had left my party after only being here for five minutes. He was jealous of that? Jealous of the fact that she had ran away from my birthday party even when her whole family had been here? Her grandparents showed up not long after she left and had showered me with their love. I liked her grandparents, they were sweet people.

I sigh and knock on the door. I can hear music coming from inside the room so I have to knock louder to get her attention.

"Go away, Elena", comes her shout from inside the room. I'm not sure what I want to do. I mean, I'm pissed off about the fact that she has been wasting my time but at the same time I didn't want to talk to her. I choose to not respond and instead just open the door.

"Ah", Valentina shouts when I push the door open and find her on the floor of her bedroom, nail polish in her hand. She is painting her toenails white and when she sees me, she almost paints her bed frame as well. "What are you doing here?", she shouts over the music that is so much louder in here. She pulls at the hem of her shorts and eyes me like I was even looking over there in the first place.

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