Chapter 25: Haute Camp-Ture

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You guys may be curious about getting a chapter on a day that isnt Wednesday or Saturday well. I was really excited to release the finale so I decided to upload this now and make the finale Saturdays upload. Hope you enjoy


(Chris): In today's special episode of Total Drama Island... You've been watching Gwen and Duncan make their way to the final two. It's been a long eight weeks. So, we decided to give our weary finalists the day off so we could contemplate how far they've gotten and enjoy all the campgrounds have to offer

As he said that Duncan and Gwen could be seen running away from Sasquatchanakwa

(Chris): When you see the losers walk down the Dock of Shame I bet you wonder what happens to the campers after they walk they board the Boat of Losers and leave the camp?

As he wrapped up his speech he boarded his jetski and drove off


Chris pulls up to a fancy resort

(Chris): This is where our rejects live!

The camera shows off the resort and what it had to offer. It had a pool, palm trees, tables of food, and a gym. It basically had everything

(Chris): How are they spending their time? 

The camera pans to the pool chairs showing Kai and DJ who are enjoying the comfort of the resort and taking in some sun. Eva is seen lifting some dumbbells she noticed how easy it was to lift them and threw them away and picked up dumbbells that were twice the size of the other set

(Chris): Who do they think deserves to win the hundred grand? The losers are about to let it all hang out!  And you won't wanna miss a word! Coming up on Total. Drama. Island!



(Chris): Welcome to Playa des Losers. The all-inclusive luxury resort where our sent after being brutally voted out of the game to lick their wounds and accept their fate as reality show has-beens. The fate of our final two contestants will be in the hands of these twenty losers- or nineteen. Heather hasn't arrived yet I'm trying to avoid the mayhem until you guys get to meet the losers!

Chris loved the drama that the teenagers create but he wishes to go through with the reason he arrived without the attention being on Heather and dragging it out. The camera pans to Justin who is climbing to the top of the diving board and gracefully lands in the water. He surfaced and looked at his hand mirror smiling. Katie and Sadie are seen staring at him while drinking some smoothies from the pool bar

(Sadie): He is so cute! Ah! 

She slips and falls into the water. The resulting splash landed on Noah who was trying to read his book while sipping on his own drink

(Noah): Get my shirt wet, why don't you?

Sadie giggled

(Sadie): Sorry, Noah! Whoo! You guys should come in, it's so nice!

She said while floating in the water and begun to relax. Suddenly from below something is seen sneaking towards her. She widened her eyes and grunted in pain as she felt a biting pain

(Sadie): Ow! Something bit me!

Katie gasped and tucked into a ball

(Katie): Was it a shark?

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