Chapter 17: Hide and Be Sneaky

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(Chris): Previously on Total Drama Island... The campers searched for treasure and yours truly put in an impressive performance as a pirate. But this was no ordinary treasure hunt. Some campers put their lives on the line to snag their booty. While Geoff put his stomach on the line, doing something that would make most people hurl. But in the end, the campers who went the limit were rewarded with treasures that, in hindsight, probably weren't worth the effort

He laughed remembering Gwen pulling out a toaster and Leshawna holding a lamp

(Chris): Oh well. Except for Heather, who, for the first time managed to win the coveted invincibility prize and avoid getting voted off. Unfortunately for her, it was null and void as Kai got a no-elimination ceremony card. Meanwhile, Kai and Gwen have finally tied the knot and started to date. I wonder who will be today's unlucky camper to walk The Dock of Shame? Who will lose their cool? Who will lose their lunch? Find out on the most shocking episode yet on Total. Drama. Island!



(Lindsay): I am so glad they included Grapetastic Pop in your reward last night, Heather. It's totally my favourite and it's the only thing I've really been craving on the island

She showed off the drink with a smile. Heather was ignoring her and instead was looking at her ruined set of clothes

(Heather): I cannot believe that Kai and Gwen shredded my clothes. They are so gonna pay for this!

Lindsay went to take a sip of her drink but stopped and raised an eyebrow in confusion

(Lindsay): I don't get why your upset. When we got here those camera people gave us multiple sets of the same clothes right?

Heather glared at Lindsay

(Heather): Shut up!

Heather snatched Lindsay's drink and took a swig. She immediately spat it out

(Heather): How can you drink this sugar water?

She questioned while throwing the drink away. Lindsay gasped



Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): Heather is my best friend on the island. I mean, sure, she steals my food and borrows my clothes and calls me names, but that's what BFFs are for. Best female friends!

She told the camera smiling confidently




Heather Confessional

(Heather): Who cares about friends? In this world, there are shepherds and there are sheep. And Lindsay is a major sheep. Baa!




Lindsay Confessional

(Lindsay): I think she really respects me and my strategical ideas




Heather Confessional

(Heather): I've got flip-flops with more brains than her. But hey, she's useful right now, so I'll keep her close. And when I don't need her anymore, I'll dump her

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