Chapter 5: Not Quite Famous

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island... The Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic losing streak against The Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, and dangerous alliances. And in the end, it was Noah the know-it-all who didn't see it coming. This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to Loserville. Population: Four. Who will sink? And who will stay afloat? Find out right now on Total. Drama. Island!



The episode starts in the Screaming Gophers cabin more specifically the boys side. Kai was seen sleeping on his bed which was the top bunk underneath him was a sleeping Justin. Kai was talking in his sleep. Well specifically Chester was

(Chester): Those god darn kids... Don't know how to be quiet...

Chester mumble to himself in his sleep. Chester inhales sharply losing his old man features

(Kai): Come on Chester keep it down please...

Kai inhales sharply swapping with Chester

(Chester): Fine!

Chester inhaled letting Kai front who continued to sleep. Unknowingly to Kai the bed across from his had a massive lump with eyes which were watching Kai. The person peaked their head through showing it was Cody who was writing in a notepad



Cody Confessional

(Cody): Okay I'll admit I was watching Kai in his sleep it's because I have been suspicious of Kai's "Characters"

He says characters with air quotes

(Cody): And after watching Kai I believe he has multiple personalities. I've been thinking this was the case since the dodge ball challenge. He acts as "Svetlana" and "Chester". Whenever he's in character he'll say or do something but once he stops acting, he has no idea what he was doing and from what I heard after the dodge ball challenge he had no idea what had happened. I don't know much about the condition but I do know the personalities don't share memories. I'm going to talk to Kai to confirm my theory before I dive deeper and find out it isn't true



Girls Bathroom

(Lindsay): Okay. This is so way beyond bad. I'm out of fake tanner already!

Gwen rolled her eyes

(Gwen): Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay

Lindsay nodded not hearing Gwen's sarcasm

(Lindsay): Now I have to actually, like, suntan. In the sun! Do you realize how shrivelled and wrinkly that can make your skin? Oh, you totally do

Gwen narrows her eyes before she could say anything an alarm went throughout the island making the campers hold their ears. Once it stopped Chris's laughter could be heard

(Chris): All right, campers! Enough beauty sleep! Time to show us what you're made of!


Most of the Gophers and Bass were walking to the Cafeteria when they heard the announcement. Cody noticed that everyone was out of hearing distance so he tapped Kai's shoulder. Kai looked at him

(Kai): Need something Cody?

(Cody): Yeah I had a question

(Kai): Shoot

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