Chapter 18: That's Off The Chain

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island... In a challenge of hide-and-seek, campers had to avoid capture by Chef or join his guerrilla tactics to tag fellow campers. Some had weak hiding spots while others won invincibility. Meanwhile, with some subtle nudging, the guys convinced Cody to stay loyal to their alliance. Even without lovesick Geoff's help, the guy's banished Bridgette, so it was Geoff who paid a hefty price for staying loyal to his girl

Chris laughed as he remembered the clip of Geoff hanging off the ceiling fan

(Chris): Man, that stinks, Geoff. And so did she. Will they guys ever trust Geoff again? Will the girls form an alliance? Will I be stuck hosting reality TV for the rest of my life? Find out on this episode of Total. Drama. Island!



It was later on in the day and everyone was spread out doing their own thing. Cody and DJ are throwing a frisbee. It passed Heather and Lindsay. The blonde girl was using a flyswatter to try and hit a fly. She failed multiple times. She accidentally hit Heathers face. Heather glares

(Heather): Can I see that for a sec?

Lindsay happily hands her the flyswatter. Heather smacks her in the face with it

(Heather): Now make yourself useful and clip my toenails!

Lindsay looked at her feet in disgust. Off to the side, Geoff was inside the confessional crying he was clearly missing his girlfriend. Leshawna looked at the confessional. Next to her was Duncan the two were playing checkers

(Leshawna): Ooh. Sounds like Geoff's having a hard time accepting Bridgette's been kicked off, huh?

Duncan nodded and made a move. He looked at the confessional an unimpressed look on his face

(Duncan): Yeah. He's so weak

Geoff started to sing. His voice cracked a couple times during it

(Geoff): Baby come back!



Geoff Confessional

(Geoff): Any kind of fool could see! S-Something... Something, uh... About you! Hey, Bridge!

He grabs onto the camera

(Geoff): Sendin' out mucho love to... Wherever it is that the Boat of Losers takes you!



Duncan looked at Confessional his face didn't show it but, on the inside, he was worried about his party-loving friend

(Duncan): Um, I- We'd better go check on him

He said standing up and leaving

(Leshawna): Wait. What about our game?

Duncan didn't respond. Gwen raised an eyebrow in confusion

(Gwen): "Check on him"? Since when did he start having feelings?

Heather overheard what Gwen said and scoffed

(Heather): Since they started up their guys' alliance. Duncan's no fool. He wants to secure Geoff's vote

(Lindsay): Hey! Maybe we should try forming a girls' alliance again!

Heather once again hit her with the flyswatter

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