Chapter 12: Basic Straining

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Once again I could not find many images for this episode so there will be a few in here but not as much as normal. Enjoy!


(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Island... The teams were given three challenges that tested their trust in their teammates. The rock climbing challenge revealed more than just Heather's grudge against Gwen. And Cody got the bad end of a blowfish courtesy of Lindsay. DJ trusted Geoff with his pet bunny. Huge mistake, by the way. Some other campers got dropped on their butts and Duncan shocked Courtney by showing her his softer side. Yeah, touching moments. Good times. Stay tuned for the most dramatic bonfire ceremony yet on Total. Drama. Island!



The campers sat in the cafeteria eating Chef's food which looked a bit better then normal. Harold bursts into the cafeteria glaring. In his hand was a smore

(Harold): Okay! Who's made smores out of my underwear?!

He saw Duncan and Geoff howling in laughter. His anger was focused on them he threw the smore. His undies fell out of the smore which Katie saw. She thought it was gross

(Katie): Ew! Harold! You are so totally gross!

Harold widens his eyes

(Harold): No wait! It wasn't me! Idiots!

Katie looked at Harold who ran off and then looked at Duncan and Geoff who were laughing. She rolls her eyes at them and followed Harold

(Geoff): Sometimes, he just makes it too easy

(Duncan): Heh, I hear you, man

Katie glared at them

(Katie): When will you jerks just leave him be?!

Duncan's smile dropped as he frowned at her

(Duncan): When will you stop being a killjoy?

Katie decided to continue her walk to Harold



Katie Confessional

(Katie): God people like Duncan just really annoy me! Back home everyone was always picking on Sadie and those kinds of people set me off



Katie found him sitting at the campfire. Katie sat down next to him

(Katie): Sorry for overeacting I thought you threw dirty undies at me

Harold looked down resting his chin on his hand

(Harold): It's fine, I'm used to it

Katie frowned

(Katie): You shouldn't have to be used to it. Bullies are stupid

Harold hummed in agreement

(Harold): Did you know you were supposed to go the other day?

Katie didn't look to surprised

(Katie): I thought so with everyone else on the team being friends we'd obviously be targets. But how come it was going to be me?

(Harold): Duncan came up to me and said everyone was voting you. I didn't want that to happen so I rigged the votes

Katie looked shocked

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