Events. - pt. 3 "The special place"

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About part three:

3.4K words

Mentions: sun, retrospection, attraction, serious interactions, romance, deep feelings

Warnings: being caught, inappropriate touches, forbidden forest, revealing secret


[ 𝗺𝗲 ]

He made a motion with his hand as if an answer to her question was not necessary as it was more than clear. As the two made their way to the lake, there was a sudden silence between them, though the surroundings held another kind of pleasant silence in their hands. - The silence of the birds, of the waves in the lake that could be heard from miles away, of the autumn leaves blown by the wind... The silence of the gentle, if slightly cold wind too, the silence of the sun's rays shining in the clear blue sky.

It was as if time suddenly stood still as their feet led them to the blue destination. The weather smiled on the two...teachers who were slowly beginning to become more than just teachers to each other.
He looked down at her thigh as she walked beside him, he had left a red trail of passion... How beautiful it looked, right in place, as if that mark of his was meant to be there. And it was.

Severus looked around and before he knew it they were surrounded by twinkling white stars that reflected the sun's rays in the calm lake water. These little stars shone so brightly that they blurred their eyes, perhaps because the weather had not been so good for a long time, especially in autumn. The sun seemed to be talking to the man - to take a step forward, to do something... To do something...

Suddenly a special place, an idea, came to his mind, a corner among the foundations of the castle near the river, where in late autumn (early winter) there were sometimes sirens, but they appeared only in very heavy storms with thick drops of rain.
He linked arms with her and pulled her towards him a little carelessly, then began to walk quickly as he looked into the white lamps that the water and the sun were igniting together on this jaunty day.

- I know a place! - the man started practically running with her to the "place" that suddenly engulfed his memories...


June 30th 1993

- Hand me the screwdriver!

P: Here! Catch it! - the 14 years old girl tossed the light metal, but he didn't react quickly enough to her childish trick and the screwdriver hit him on the head, at which she laughed out loud like the child she really was.

- Little idiot. - Severus sneered as he began to screw in the last bolt on the yellow swing they had bought from a muggle shop in London.

P: Hey!

- You would have helped if you had held the legs of the swing in the beginning and assembling with me.

P: Oh no, you don't understand, Professor Snape, I was here for "moral support". I'll just sit on the finished swing, I can't "assemble" or "hold any swing legs".

- I'll pretend I didn't hear you. - he put the screwdriver aside and looked at the swing, already "built" and ready to be someone's companion and look out for loves and kisses from those who would be lucky enough to find it in this secret "nook" at the foundations of the castle , right in front of the lake, where the water was shallowest and was fit and safe for bathing. This was Severus' secret place...

[ Thumean ]

Slightly out of breath, my chest heaving from keeping up with his long striding steps and full of wonders and excitement about where he might lead me, I finally caught a first glimpse of 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲. We had to pass some bigger rocks that looked oddly out of place, as if a giant had placed them there by the shores of the lake oh so many many years ago. However, what looked even more out of place was the yellow swing that stood there, hidden away from the sight of any passer-by behind the rocks in this secluded nook. The yellow was a bit weather worn, bleached slightly by the sun, but in a strange way that made it even more inviting. With a bit of care the swing could easily be restored to its former glory. The cool wind, coming down from the mountain, rippling the dark glistening surface of the lake, caught on the swing and ever so slightly moved it. Back and forth and back and forth.. a very soft squeaking noise disturbed the otherwise perfect silence, whenever the swing was moving forward. I turned my gaze away from the swing and looked up to the man that obviously seemed to be full of beautiful surprises that only waited to be discovered.

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