Love in a 𝗴𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗱𝗼𝗺𝗲. - pt. 13 "Good night..."

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About part thirteen:

466 words

Warnings: cold murder, blood, pleasure in hurting, deaths

Mentions: deep night description, calmness, beautiful night



Dark. Finally. The night had drawn a black, cloudcovered sky over Caithness like a dark veil, as if the night itself already knew what tragedy was about to happen. The hunter listened closely. No sound. The house was absolutely silent apart from his own strong, but strangely calm heartbeat that echoed in his head. Those were the times he felt most alive. Archer Cygnet felt the adrenaline rush through his veins, the thrill that came with the desire to kill. To take a life. Oh, what a cruel power this was to be able to mingle with life and death..

He crept upstairs to the room where he knew the two people would be already sleeping by now, as he had watched the lights giving way to black darkness about an hour ago. He would be first. The men usually were less fun and he was the main target after all. But after that, after that he would take his time to play. Her screams would fill the house, her blood would run down his hands, warm, steaming hot blood. The look of horror glistening in her eyes would send a shiver down his spine, he would make her watch, while he would take care of him. The anticipation and his primal instincts to feel blood run over his hands painted a maniac grin on the hunters face and his pants already felt painfully tight, even though he hadn't even started playing. No one would ever find out what that perverted maniac had actually done that night, the only thing that would be known about it was by far the most brutal and horrific murder Caithness and maybe even the wizarding world had ever seen. Alas, sometimes it might be best to not know all the details..


I closed the book after my eyes had followed the fine lines of words so long that the letters and serifs blurred in front of me, creating an abstract and unreadable image of various lines and circles, black on slightly yellowed parchment. Before I closed the pages however, I reached for the little portrait that had been resting in my lap while reading and carefully flipped the pages back to sonnet 94. I had decided that I would keep it where it belonged to. Right in between those two pages, hidden away, sheltered, a secret treasure that most likely only I knew from. Perhaps I would tell him once, if the moment would be right, but.. maybe I wanted to be selfish for once and would keep it for myself. Would keep him for myself, even though it was just as a picture.

- Good night, Severus.. 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶..

I whispered into the dark night with a warm smile, my heart feeling beautifully full and my mind finally back at ease...


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