Laughter and Love

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Georg, Gustav, Bill and Tom were sober but us. We decided to all walk together before going back home "Hey guys remember when we tripped" I slurred and laughed, they all laughed with me and we tripped.

We bursted out laughing until our stomachs hurt, "alright Raven let's go" Tom said, "noooo! I want to stay here with my friends" "y'all can hang out at home, we all live together remember?"

"I can't remember anything right now" Lily laughed and Scarlet then Teresa joined, "hey,you got a problem?" "No" Teresa giggled, "why are you laughing at me, what's your problem huh? Let's fight"

I heard Georg Bill and Gustav chuckle a little bit as I didn't remember who Lily and Teresa were. "Come on get up" Teresa got up and tried throwing the first punch but she completely missed, the guys almost burst out laughing, even Tom.

I tried to punch her in the face but I slightly hit her head and she stumbled, Tom burst out laughing along with Bill, Georg and Gustav. "Hey you almost dropped me!" She then burped loudly and the guys were laughing even harder now.

Teresa, Lily, Scarlett and I also burst out laughing, our stomachs were hurting so bad, "can we go home now?" I asked Tom, he couldn't even reply because of all the laughing.

We all finally calmed down and went home. Tom carried me to his room and laid me on the bed, I grabbed his arm and pulled him on top of me. I started kissing him and he put his hand on my waist.

We met each other's gaze and Tom got up to lock the door, we laughed and continued. "Maybe not right now to be honest, I'm tired" I could barely keep my eyes open, but I wanted Tom so bad.

"Is that okay?" I asked, "yeah, of course" he kissed me on the forehead and took my shoes off. "I'll change you into your pjs" "thank you Tom"

"You know, that time we were at the pool and when you got really close to me I got really nervous and I wanted to kiss you" "but oh my god, I hated you so much"

I heard Tom chuckle as he looked for some pjs, "I know, and I didn't actually hate you, I fell in love with you when I saw you at the gas station"

"When your dad showed me your picture I thought it was gonna be so easy to get rid of you but when I saw you in person, I felt like I couldn't do it"

"How and when were you gonna kill me?" I asked as I slowly sat up, he sighed and started to explain. "I was gonna kill you after that time we had dinner, I was gonna stab you after having sex with you"

If I was sober I would've been shocked but I just laughed, "what stopped you?" "The promise I made with Bill. I knew I would never forgive myself" Tom then sat next to me and put his hand on my lap.

"I'll help you get undressed" he got up and took my shoes off, then my dress. I put the pjs on and lied down on the bed. I was really tired, I almost fell asleep while Tom was undressing me.

Tom took his shirt off and changed into some sweatpants and turned off the lights. He found his way to the bed and lied down next to me. We cuddled and I quickly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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