Be with you forever

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3:45 pm

"Wake up Raven" Tom whispered, "i don't wanna" I said groaning, "you have to" he said moving my hair out of my face. "Why?" I was so tired, I really didn't want to get out of bed at all, "because you haven't eaten and we're going to the beach"

"Cuddle with me" I said with my arms out, still closing my eyes, he laughed and laid down next to me. He hugged me and I smiled, I feel so warm and comfortable when I cuddle with him, it's like I can feel how much he loves me.

"Can we go at night instead? I am so tired and i just wanna sleep right now" "I guess, I'll go ask everyone else" he got up and went downstairs to see if everyone would agree. He came back and he closed the door, "they said it's fine and they'll just sleep for now" he laid down next to me and cuddled with me.

"Okay" I mumbled, I hugged him and he gave me a kiss on the forehead, I slightly opened my eyes to look at him and he was smiling, I smiled back and kissed him, "your eyes and your smile are so pretty Tom" I really meant that, he is truly beautiful and I honestly couldn't imagine myself with anyone else.

He smiled at me again and I hugged him tightly, resting my head on his chest, I heard his heartbeat and it was calm which made me even sleepier. "I'm gonna go to sleep now, you better sleep too" I said.

"I will my love" I looked up at him and his eyes were closed, I closed mine too and we both fell asleep cuddling.

9:02 pm

I woke up and looked over at Tom who was still asleep, I checked the time and got up to go the bathroom. I went downstairs and Lily was eating cereal, "hey Lily" I said smiling at her, "hey Raven" she smiled back, "how did you and Georg sleep?" "Good, he's in the bathroom right now but he'll come down in a little bit"

"Are the rest still asleep?" She asked, "Tom is but I'll go check on the rest" I ran upstairs and checked Bill's room, him and Scarlett were asleep cuddling, I smiled and closed the door quietly. I walked over to Gustav's room and Teresa had barely woken up.

"Hi Raven" she whispered, Gustav was asleep, "hey" I whispered back. "You wanna come downstairs and eat something before we get dressed? Scarlett is still asleep but Lily is awake" "okay, I'll come down in a little bit" she said while rubbing her eyes.

I closed the door and went back downstairs, "Teresa just woke up and Gustav is still asleep" i said as I walked over to the fridge, Georg came downstairs and walked over to Lily and gave her a kiss on the head, "hi Georg" I said with a smile, "hi, how did y'all sleep?" "Good" me and Lily replied.

"Are the rest still asleep?" Georg asked "yea but Teresa just woke up, she'll come down in a little bit" "okay" we then heard Teresa coming down the stairs as she was rubbing her eyes. "Hi guys" she said in her sleepy voice, I smiled at her "hi Teresa"

"Is Gustav still asleep?" "Yeah but if you want I can go wake him up" "it's fine, I'll go" Georg ran upstairs and went into Gustav's room, I told Lily and Teresa that I was gonna go check on Tom, they nodded and looked for something to eat. I went up to his room and didn't see him on the bed, I heard the water running in the shower so I quietly opened the door and grabbed a soap bar that was near the sink.

I threw it on the ground to scare him, "Raven?" He said, I didn't respond and I grabbed the soap bar from the ground and threw it at him, I let out a laugh and ran out, he got out of the shower and chased me in the room. He finally caught me and we were laughing "you run so slow" he said still laughing.

"Shut up no i don't" i slightly hit his arm, he kissed me and smiled, I smiled back and told him to get dressed, he nodded and chose his outfit. I sat on the bed waiting for him, I was staring at his arms and his abs but I quickly looked away when he turned to me, "you like what you see don't you" I smiled shyly, still not looking at him.

I turned to him and he was playing with his lip ring while glaring at me, "what" I laughed shyly, he walked over to me and sat next to me, I turned to look at him and he smiled. "You're eyes are so beautiful" I smiled and kissed him, "yours are too, I always think about your eyes and your smile"

"I wish I could be with you forever Tom"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚎𝚛 | Tom kaulitzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon