Most precious man I've ever met

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                                  Scarlett's POV

Bill walked me to his room so I could change into something comfortable for movie night, his room is so cool.

He has band posters on his walls, about 5 bottles of black nail polish and makeup. "Here you can wear these sweat pants and this shirt" he handed them to me and smiled at me.

"Thank you" I smiled back, "I really like your room" he smiled wider hearing my words, "thank you" we held eye contact for about 5 seconds, I then broke it "this might sound like a weird question but can I touch your hair?" I asked shyly.

"Of course, here let me just sit on my bed so you can reach" he said, letting out a little laugh, I walked over to him and touched his hair.

The spikes kind of hurt but I didn't say anything, "you're so cool Bill, I've never met anyone like you" I said, sitting down next to him.

He looked at my lips, then my eyes and my lips again. He leaned in to kiss me, he put his hand on my cheek and we started making out, when we stopped to catch our breath, I laid down and he got on top of me.

We started kissing again but then stopped to make eye contact, we smiled at each other and he gave me a peck on the lips, "will you be my girlfriend Scarlett?"

"Yes" I was so happy he finally asked me, "we should change they're waiting on us" he then got off me and changed.

He waited for me and then we left the room holding hands. As we were walking downstairs I heard Scarlett say something, "finally!" "Sorry" Bill said while smiling. We sat down on the couch and I rested my head on his shoulder.

He's so perfect.

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