I nodded, thanking him and inquiring further about Sandra Lawson's surgery before hanging up.

Luckily, Dr. Finn was our acquaintance, and he was the head of management too, which made things a lot easier for me to buy the hospital while remaining anonymous, but that girl?

Esme Indira Vasquez...

I remember her, but why does this name sound familiar?

Immersed in thoughts, I picked up my laptop from the side table, turning it on and searched for the name "Esme Indira Vasquez."

As soon as I clicked the enter, a page loaded along with a single picture of a girl wearing a mask, long shiny black hair, with icy silver-grey eyes, wearing a black shirt, overcoat, and long pants. Several bodyguards were behind her, and the man who looked like a head guard was walking beside her, his eyes sending a warning signal towards the camera.

This...she couldn't be the one I'm thinking, could she?

She looked different in school.

I scrolled down to read her details. There was not a single picture of her except the one I just saw. The information about her was too minimal, almost nonexistent, but it was enough to confirm that she was indeed the one I thought.

What was she doing here? And does Elysia even know about who she is?

If anyone who could potentially be in serious danger right now was Elysia... No one would target Esme because she was the 'danger' herself.

Wait a minute!

If that girl is missing from her country, it means...

My eyes widened in realization. Grabbing my phone, I instantly called Ronald. He picked up in the first call.

"Yes, sir?" His alert voice sounded.

"Ronald, I'm sending you a document, check where they are. Also, see if any of them had landed in the UK recently, whether publicly or privately." I ordered over the phone, sending him the document.

"Noted, sir!" He answered.

I placed the phone down after hanging up, staring at my laptop screen blankly.

Not these people again. I had left this side in the past, and I had no intentions of getting involved with him once again...


A notification sound and a blinking screen from my phone pulled me out of my reverie. Assuming it would be Ronald, I unlocked the screen.

To my surprise, it wasn't Ronald but a reply from Elysia. My heart suddenly skipped a beat, and I swiftly clicked on the message.

Elysia: To the glorious owner of Knight Group! As long as you're aware, Mr. Knight. I hope you would not make such a blockbuster exit next time. See you at the office. Sincerely, Elysia Dean Lawson!

An unexpected laughter resonated from deep within my chest as I read her text. I could practically smell the sarcasm from miles away.

Well, at least she wasn't completely ghosting herself. So maybe she isn't that angry, or if she is, her mood is probably better at the moment.

I quickly typed a reply, a smile automatically spreading across my face, "Noted, ma'am!"

Resting my head on a pillow, I continued to stare at her message until sleep eventually consumed me.


Leaving early for the office, I decided to take the same route as Elysia. Passing by her usual bus station, I noticed her entering the bus.

Beyond The Gaze: A Love UnseenWhere stories live. Discover now