"Oh my God, I finally bought a Hanfu, oh my God, what kind of Hanfu is this, not only the clothes are beautiful, but also very comfortable to touch, especially the embroidery, it is simply God's handiwork, is this really made by people?"

"Have you found out, since I bought a hairpin, the whole person's sleep has become better, I used to stay up late until late, rough skin can not be seen, since I bought a hairpin, every morning to get up is very energetic. Owner, this is a really sleep-friendly feature, isn't it?

"Really, really? I've been waiting for a long time, but I haven't been able to buy it... Envy.

"And that button, a style I've never seen before, it's really beautiful!"

。。。。。。 There was a fiery discussion below the shop.

At the other end of this time, Wen Renlian looked at these pictures and showed a satisfied smile, I was the first person to buy Hanfu! That's right, since she received her brother's gift, she has paid attention to this small shop, and despite the fact that there are few things in it, it is very popular. "

It's just a pity, I haven't been able to take my turn when I order it again, how can I be so little, I just want to buy one for my mother.

Shan Yu didn't know Wen Renlian's entanglement, and he was very helpless after seeing these messages, after all, he was only one person, and there were very few fruits planted each time, and there were not a few a day, so he couldn't sell so much, so he had to limit them, so the orders were scheduled for more than a month. . .

But in this way, the tuition fees are also available, and finally there is no shortage of money, but no matter what, the money is not too much.

Shan Yu ruthlessly blocked the guests who were still calling, and began to think about what kind of clothes to make for Wen Renqian, since this is the case, just send one to Matt. Uh, Matt also has two younger brothers, so wouldn't that be enough? Forget it, or later. It's better to give it to his female brother, little female, of course, take care of it, Matt will keep it for next time. If you hear Brother Wenren's words, it is better to make one for him and his sister each. That's right, it's so eccentric! Who made Brother Wenren his idol?

Matt, who didn't know that he was ignored by Shan Yu, couldn't help but sneeze, which attracted his female brother's concerned inquiry: "What's wrong with you, big brother?" Got a cold? Need a therapeutic device?

Matt smiled, touched his younger brother who was sitting on the bed and looked at his younger brother obediently: "Brother is fine, Xiao Ai don't worry."

"Big brother, you're fine. Matt's female brother, Xiao Ai, blinked innocently with a pale little face.

Looking at his sick brother, Matt felt very uncomfortable but there was nothing he could do, his brother's disease was a new type of disease that could not be cured by current technology. Since his brother's illness, the family, which was not wealthy, has been even worse, and he wanted to drop out of school to find a job, but his brother and his family refused. Finally, Matt was admitted to a prestigious college like Prance, how could he give up? Even if you fight for your life, you have to let Matt go to school.

Father, father, and male brother have all gone out to work, and today it is Matt's turn to take care of the female brother at home, but even though he is busy, Matt is still insisting on practicing Xi mech. Although he doesn't have his own mecha, he can't practice Xi virtual mecha through the star network, which is not very expensive.

Back to Shan Yu's side, I decided to make three clothes first, of course, it is not the combination of modern and classical before, but the real ancient style, the style of big wide sleeves, chic and good-looking, imagine the appearance of wearing it on Wen Renqian's body, handsome face and perfect body shape plus Hanfu, it is simply the ancient gentle and elegant son of the family. But it's a pity that Wen Renqian has short hair and can't use a headband, if it's long hair, it's perfect.

Embroidery can't be too complicated, after all, there is not so much time, and if you want to embroider too complicated, you can only have a chance later. He decided to give Wen Renqian a little more plain, and embroidered a dragon on the edge of his clothes, like a stick figure dragon, although it was not so detailed, but it could still be roughly seen to be a dragon. As for the girl and the little female, embroidering a little phoenix on the edge and then a little flower on the chest is also very beautiful. It's just that the girl's clothes are still pink, which can be a little gradient, and red can also be. If you are a little female, you can use azure, after all, you can still say that you are still a boy, Shan Yu thought awkwardly. If you hear a thousand words, you can add white and black, simple and generous.

After thinking about it, Shan Yu decided to do it. It's just that a message came from the system, and Shan Yu had to stop temporarily and enter the farm. A message appeared in front of him, this time the system assigned a plane friend to him, which made him very curious, so he couldn't wait to enter the other party's space. After stepping over, I suddenly felt a gloom in the wind, and looked at the surrounding scenery, there was nothing, only a piece of loess with sand, and it felt like a big desert, what kind of plane world is this?

Although he didn't know much about his new friend's plane, a large palm in mid-air caught his attention, this isI said that I could receive it. Although he didn't know what it was, Shan Yu instinctively clicked on something, and something was included in the package by him.

Back to his own territory, Shan Yu opened the package, and inside were three stones of different colors and sizes, some with a kind of silver texture, and some with transparent colors, which was very strange. After seeing the description, I realized that these are three ores with different attributes, suitable for refining refrigeration weapons, but what makes Shan Yu feel incredible is that the made cold weapons have attributes, and the attributes are of course gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., it is said that people without abilities can also use it, which is indeed an unexpected joy, but it is useless for Shan Yu, and these stones will not be refined.

Wait, if he's not mistaken, the system belongs to the planting category, why can even ore be planted?

"This plane is a dwarven country, and all the planting areas are full of ores, and it is not surprising that they are experts in refining various minerals. The system, which had been silent, suddenly sounded and helped Shan Yu answer his doubts.

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