Assassins Target-4

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"Don't fucking touch her-" I felt the cuffs biting into my skin as I moved, trying to get to Lilah in any way I could. "I'll kill you-"

Myron smirked, his hand still firmly in Lilah's hair. "Good luck with that. You may have been my best, Salmon. But even you can't get out of that. I ensured that when you defected from your job."

Flexing my arms, I realized he was right. Part of my training here had been lock picking, and this lock was different. I looked back to him, watching as he held up a key.

"It truly is a shame. You were such a good assassin. So precise and neat. Until you were given the simple task of ridding the world of her." He yanked on Lilah's hair, effectively knocking her to the ground. I heard the muffled cry as she hit the floor, her shoulder connecting first. "Such a simple target, yet you failed so many times. Then we made it simpler for you, and you couldn't even complete that. So let me guess, the tiger has feelings for the fox, doesn't he?" He stepped over Lilah, walking over to me and grabbing my chin.

It took every bit of patience left in me to not snap my teeth at his hand, staring at him.

"Considering you managed to slither your way into the vixens bed, I'd say you did. Or were you just looking for a quick fuck? Tell me, is she good? I may have to try her out myself." His smirk was disgusting, his gaze landing on Lilah.

"Don't you fucking dare- hurt her and you're dead." I couldn't help the bite in my voice, but it was better than letting Myron hear that I was afraid.

"Such a feisty thing. You always were. Perhaps that why you were such a good killer. Seeing as you failed your task, you can watch while we kill her. And perhaps if you're good, we'll leave the scraps for you."

I could see Lilah's body tense, her eyes widening as tears welled in them.

"Lay a hand on her and I'll snap your neck-"

"Mm good luck with that." Myron let go of me, walking back over to Lilah. "Mm for now I'll leave her here. Let you have a final night together." He dragged her to the wall opposite me, chaining her hands. "Maybe it wouldn't have come to this if you'd done your job. Such a shame." He walked out before I could say a word.

"Lilah- Lilah I'm so sorry- I'll get us out. I promise you, I will make sure you're safe." I managed to maneuver down to be sitting on my knees, my back against the wall. "I love you, okay? I'm going to do everything I can for you."

She made no move to try and respond to me, her body just limp against the wall. I could see as her body was wracked with sobs, the sound echoing through the room.

It pained me, watching her. Knowing she was hurt. "I'm so sorry, Li.."

As far as I could tell, a few hours had passed before I heard commotion outside the room. I lifted my head, seeing the door open.

I saw the bright red curls first, then the bright grin. Emily. Formerly one of my colleagues. "Really, Spencer, getting the princess wrapped up in all of this too?" She spun an object around her finger. One I realized was the key.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you-" I couldn't help but smile as she walked over, uncuffing my hands.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up, lover boy. Go get your girl, and let's get out of here." She tossed the key at me, pulling out a couple knives and wiping the blades clean.

I grabbed it, walking over to Li and gently uncuffing her hands, easing the gag out of her mouth gently. "Li. Li c'mon Love. Let's get out of here. Get you home."

I could barely make out the soft murmur that left her lips. "..home?"

"Yeah, home. My friend came and helped us." I just picked her up, walking over to Emily. "She's gonna make sure you get home safe and sound."

"I've got two horses already tacked up in the stables. I figured she'd either be too out of it to ride or would just rather be with you so." Emily dragged a hand through her hair, walking out towards the stables.

I followed, seeing the two horses. "Help me get her up once I mount." I gently passed Lilah to her, mounting the horse before lightly taking her back. Making sure she was comfortably propped in the saddle.

Emily mounted with ease, almost immediately taking off once we were all settled.

I followed quickly, making sure to keep an arm around Lilah as she held onto me, her face tucked against my neck.

"I'll get you home Lilah. I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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