Help Me..-2

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A week later, I felt healthier, my wounds healed enough they didn't hurt, and I didn't have to risk them reopening. Emily had been training with me, helping me to keep in shape.

Her husband still seemed mildly weary of me, though I couldn't fully blame him so I didn't really mind.

"I want to go confront Myron." I looked up, my eyes falling to Emily and Will, the three of us having been eating.

"Spencer- You're not healed all the way. You could get hurt." Emily shook her head, setting her fork down.

"Emily, I need to find out if Lilah is okay." I dragged a hand through my hair. "I just mean go back and try to find that out if she's okay or not. You don't have to come with me, but if she dies, I have nothing anymore." I sighed.

"I'll go with you." I looked to Will in surprise, for some reason thrown off that he'd offered.

"I will too. I don't want you going alone." Em said softly, brushing her hair out of her face. "If you can get us in, we'll help."

"Most of the guards believe Myron is an ass, so it shouldn't be overly difficult." I closed my eyes for a moment.

"Alright, let's finish eating then get ready." Will nodded.

Emily and I nodded in agreement, and finished eating.

And hour later I was waiting outside, standing beside a horse. Initially we'd agreed to go on foot, but the journey would be too long.

As I stood, waiting, I remembered exactly how I failed Lilah. I was meant to be her guard, I was meant to protect her. I'd failed to do so, and now, who knows what's happening to her.

Myron started the rumour, letting it 'slip' to a guard. From there it spiraled, ending up even in the lower towns.

At least, that's what I assumed.

The three of us were near silent as we rode towards Vulpes, the sound of hooves keeping it from being completely quiet. Emily looked furious, while Will's face was a careful mask of calm.

I didn't blame either of them, Lilah and Emily had been best friends since childhood, and Will was a king. He couldn't let his emotions catch him so easily.

Eventually, we reached the palace gates, the guards stationed there allowing us to pass.

As soon as I dismounted, I made my way to the door, Emily and Will following in suit.

I felt my heart pounding against my ribcage as we moved, the three of is silent aside from the soles of our shoes hitting the stone floor.

I knew where Myron would be, the one room where he knew he could make himself feel even more powerful. I led the two behind me to the throne room, shoving my way inside.

The sight I was met with was Myron, a servant girl kneeling at his feet.

"That throne is not yours." Every rational thought left me as I spoke, my fingers stretching towards the knife hidden in my waistband. "Get up."

Myron looked almost bored, barely sparing me half a glance as he waved his hand, the servant girl quickly standing and running off. "I was wondering when you'd return. Before you continue on what I'm sure is a well rehearsed threat, I have a gift for you."

Before I could speak, he snapped his fingers. A door opened and what appeared to be a board of wood was brought in. I didn't have time to question it before the wood was turned.

What I saw nearly caused me to fall to my knees, and I probably would have if not for Emily grabbing onto my arm.

Lilah was tied to the board by her wrists and ankles, and additional piece of rope around her torso. There were iron spikes through her hands, looking like they'd been nailed to the board. Her dress was nearly in shreds, and she was covered in blood. Her chest was barely rising, each breath laboured.

"You bastard-" Emily spoke before I managed to muster words, instinctively reaching for Lilah, guards pushing me back.

"Let her go- Myron- she hasn't done anything-"

"Hm I'll make you a deal Salmon." Myron hmmed, clearly completely amused. "If you leave me, and my kingdom and don't return, I'll let you leave with your lives. And I'll let you take her with you. Or, you can stay and watch her die, and become exactly the monster this kingdom believes you to be. You should decide soon, she doesn't have much time left." He leaned back in the throne, watching me.

"He can't make him choose-" I heard Emily from behind me, but didn't turn.

"He can, if Lilah dies, we both know what will happen." Will murmured.

I felt so ashamed with myself as I finally looked back to Myron, finding it difficult to tear my eyes away from Lilah. "Let her go." He was right. If she died, I'd become exactly what everyone thought me to be.

A monster.

I had to save Lilah now, make sure she was okay. Then we could get Myron off of the throne.

"Once you're outside the gates I'll hand her over." He stood, looking to the servants standing on either side of Lilah.

"How do we know you won't double cross us?" Will stepped forward, a dangerous glint in his eye.

"I'll be bringing her along." He hmmed, nodding to the servants.

I watched as they pulled the spikes from Lilah's hands and untied her, practically dragging her along with us as we walked, the horses we'd rode in on tied at the gate already.

The second we passed through the gates, Lilah was dropped at my feet and we were locked out.

I dropped to my knees, pulling her into my arms as gently as I could, brushing her hair from her face. "Oh Lilah- I'm so sorry." I pressed my lips to her forehead, barely processing Will talking to me.

"Spencer, we need to get her help." He set a hand on my shoulder.

"Her sister is a doctor, I can lead us there. We just have to get him on a horse with her." Emily murmured. "Spencer, I'll hold Li. We need to get her help okay? I'll help you get her up there."

After a minute my mind cleared, and I nodded to her.

Soon we were riding, Emily leading the three of us through the woods.

"I've got you Li. I've got you." I held her tightly, hoping I'd get her help in time.

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