An Assassin's Target-1

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Gods why was it so difficult to kill her. Not because she was the Princess. No that wasn't it. Anytime I'd get close, I'd hesitate and back away, make up bullshit excuses when they asked why they didn't have the Princesses head. I couldn't offer to give the job to someone else, no this was my job, my task, my target. That's all she should have been. A target. Yet she became so much more to me. I had one more chance. One more attempt to get the job done or have it given to someone else. 'Someone else' wouldn't hesitate. Not like I did every time I almost had the job finished. By now the Princess knew who I was, knew what I was there for every time she saw me. I had to find a way to both make them think she was taken care of but also keep her alive at the same time.

There was only one problem. They changed my orders. They wanted her brought in alive.

Guessing their reasoning wasn't difficult. They wanted to do one thing to her.


They wanted to torture her, most likely to send a message. Of what they're capable off. I never took part in that. I only 'collected' them. Or outright assassinated them. Whatever my job was at that moment.

She was backing away from me, brandishing a knife in my direction as I locked the doors of the throne room, leaving us the only two in the room. I pulled a dagger out of my sleeve, slowly moving towards her. "What? Are you suddenly afraid of me Darling?" A smirk flickered across my face as she kept moving away. "After all we've been through?"

"I'm not afraid of you." There was a slight bite to her voice as she spoke, one that could've sent shivers down almost any mans spine. Almost. I didn't flinch at the almost commanding tone of the princess.

"Says the one backing away from me." I hmmed, watching as she backed herself against a wall.

"If you want me, come and get me." She watched me, her back pressed against a stone wall.

"Want you in what way? Don't get me wrong, they both involve ropes but it's important that a distinction is made beforehand." I pinned her against the wall, my dagger angled at her throat.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it."

I raised an eyebrow. "You're not going to die tonight."

She stayed silent, grey eyes trained on me.

"Answer the question."

"And if I don't." A light growl laced into her voice.

I sighed slightly. "Then I'll have to kill you."

A slight tilt of her head. "Do you want to kill me? Or do you want me?"

I hated that I hesitated. Hated that I let myself show a flicker of vulnerability to the princess I was meant to take. "I- I don't know." I studied her quietly, her fingers closing over mine on the hilt of the dagger.

"Maybe this will help you figure it out." She pushed the dagger away from her throat and pressed her lips against mine before I could blink.


I didn't know what pushed me to kiss him. All I knew was that I liked it, and I never wanted it to stop. The sound a metal hitting stone echoed throughout the room as the dagger clattered from his hand. Gods we'd practically been dancing around each other for months now. I slid my fingers into his hair, hooking my other arm around his neck, the knife still in my grasp. I wouldn't use it, especially not now. His hands sat firmly at my waist, leaving me trapped between his body and the wall. A tug of his hair made him growl, the sound sending shivers down my spine. After a minute I could hear the doors being opened, finally unlocked, and he was dragged off of me. I grasped at his fingertips, watched as he didn't bother to struggle, his green eyes trained on me.

"Let him go." I grabbed his hand, the knife I'd been holding falling to the floor.

"Your Highness, he's here to kill you. We can't exactly let him go." One of the guards spoke up, forcing his hand out of my grasp and pinning his arms behind his back.

"I wasn't asking. Release him. Now." I rarely ever used my rank to get someone to do as I asked but I would if it came down to it. When they didn't move, I spoke again. "I told you to release him. Or would you rather your heads be on the chopping block because you disobeyed your princess?"

Two of the guards looked at each other before nodding, moving to release him before the third spoke up. "She's clearly drugged. I'll take her to her room. You two take him to the dungeon."

He scoffed. "I wouldn't need to drug her. She's small and hasn't had half the training I have. She's completely sober."

"I won't ask you again." I knew my voice was rising. I didn't care. Finally, after a few minutes, they let go of him. "Good. Now go." They hesitated before nodding and leaving the room.

He watched me as I stepped forward, kissing him again. "Hmm care to show me what you can do with rope?" I hooked my arms around his neck.

A low chuckle. "If that's what her Majesty would like." He purred, an arm snaking around my waist.

I twisted out of his grasp, letting a playful smirk cross my face as I backed toward the doors. Why take all the fun out of it now?

"If it's a game you want Darling, it's a game you shall have." He smirked. He chased after me as I took off down the hall, aiming for my bedroom.

I pushed my door open and caught his wrist, tugging him inside before pushing the door closed and locking it.

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