Forbidden Love-3

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"Where are we going?" I set my book down, following him to wherever he was taking me.

"Just trust me okay?" Spencer turned, giving a small smile before walking into a room. "This is mine, since now I have to be here constantly." He chuckled a little and shook his head, walking over to a wardrobe and opening it, rummaging around inside it. "Here." He handed me a simple dress. "It was there when I got here, must've been a servants room before it was mine."

"What are you-?"

"I'm going to get you out of here for the night." He smiled, taking off his armour. His fingers moved with such ease, I could tell he was used to this action.

"To where?" I blinked, holding the dress in my arms. My eyes were trained on his hands as he finished unbuckling his armour.

"The village. We're going to get you out of here for a night." He smiled, setting the items on his bed. "There's a screen over there, you can change."

I nodded faintly and turned to where he'd pointed, walking over once I found the screen.

Setting the dress he'd handed me on a small stool, I reached for the fastenings of my dress. I paused when I got to my corset, unable to reach the laces myself. "Spencer?"

"Hm?" He answered, clearly half preoccupied.

"Can you uhm, can you unlace my corset? I can't reach it-" My face reddened slightly as he walked over, smiling gently.

"Yeah, I can do that." He hummed softly and set his hands on my shoulders, turning me so my back was to him. His hand moved to my hair, brushing it over my shoulder gently.

His hands brushed down to the tie of my corset, and I could feel when he untied it, loosening the laces. "There. Is that loosened enough for you?" He asked, his lips next to my ear. His breath was warm against my skin, and it distracted me enough I didn't muster a verbal response, just nodding. "Good." He stepped back. "I have a cloak for you too, once you're dressed." He stepped back around the screen, and I'd realized I'd been holding my breath.

I can't be doing this. I can't be starting to fall for him. I knew my future led to a marriage with a prince.. not one with my guard. I shook my head to myself and tugged off my dress, grabbing the one Spencer had handed me and pulling it on. Afterwards I walked over to him, brushing my hair from my face.

When I saw him he was pulling on a different shirt. I studied his movements, how the muscles in his back moved.

I can't do this.. I can't keep going on this path..

"Lilah?" I blinked and looked over at my name. "You alright? You just started staring off into space."

"Yeah- Yes I'm alright, sorry. Just started wondering why you've decided to take me out tonight. Surely you know the risks if it's found out you've gone outside of orders-"

"Lilah, I know." He nodded. "But I can also tell that you feel trapped here. It's a risk I'm willing to take for you." He walked over to me, a cloak in hand. "Now, let's get out of here. I will protect you, if it is needed alright?" He wrapped the cloak around my shoulders, fastening it. "Now, d'you want to go or not Princess?" He grinned faintly, and I swear my heart fluttered. He was being playful, almost teasing. And fucking hell I loved it.

"I want to go." I nodded. "I'm just worried someone would recognize me."

He shook his head. "That's what the cloaks for. Besides, there's a lot of blonde girls around your age." He smiled a bit. "I doubt anyone would question it. And, tonight's the solstice festival, for the beginning of summer. I thought you may like to see it." He said softly, his thumb brushing over my cheek. The touch was gentle, and felt almost affectionate. That's when I realized that I was touch starved. Often times I'm alone, and those that are with me are usually simply guards. As is Spencer technically but-

He listened. And he talked to me when I seemed upset. He seemed kind and sweet, and almost gentle. Yet he still had a sort of mask to him. He hid something, and I was curious but it wasn't my place to ask. He'd share if ever chose to.

"You ready?" He asked, fastening his own cloak. When he looked at me, I could see tbe faint smile that played at his lips.

I smiled and nodded, taking the hand he'd offered me.

I can at least let myself become friends with him, because then at least I might feel less lonely.

His hand never left mine as he lead me out of the castle through the servants quarters and to the nearby village.

He just smiled whenever I'd want to look at something, letting me practically drag him around.

After maybe thirty minutes I heard music, lifting my head to find the source.

"That's the festival starting." Spencer smiled. "C'mon." He gently led me over, and what I saw was honestly beautiful. People were dancing together, laughing and smiling.

I didn't even try to hide the smile that had grown on my face as I watched them.

"You're smiling." I looked up at the male beside me, finding him looking down at me with the softest of smiles on his face.

I tilted my head. "I've smiled around you before-?"

"Yes but never such a genuine one. Every other time I've seen you smile it's looked almost strained, but now you look so happy, so free." He squeezed my hand lightly, having not let go.

"You want to know what would make me happier?" I looked up at him.

"What?" He tilted his head.

I just smiled and took both his hands in mine, pulling him towards the people dancing. "Dance with me Spencer."

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