Forbidden Love-1

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    My father had summoned me to the throne room, which made me wonder. He never summoned us. Us being me and my siblings. Though Sunset and James weren't here anymore, leaving just me and Ella. Not that my brother and sister were dead- they just got married. The doors were opened for me as I approached the throne room, my skirts russling against the floor as I walked.

    "You asked to see me father?" I asked, breaking the silence that was settling over the room.

    He looked up, gray eyes identical to my own falling on me. "I did. I have something I need to discuss with you."

    I nodded, quietly noting the guard, that wasn't usually there, standing beside the throne. "Alright."

    "As you may or may not have heard, there have been threats against us. You in particular." He must've read the question forming at my lips as he added, "I do not know why you seem to be the target of these threats, but I believe steps should be taken just in case."

    I nodded, knowing it was best to just listen for the moment and ask any questions later.

    "I have decided it best to assign you a personal guard." He motioned to the guard beside the throne. "This is Commander Spencer Salmon. He will be with you during the day and outside your door at night. If you have any concerns, come to me and we will discuss it."

    I nodded. "Alright." My eyes drifted past my father, landing on the Commander.

    "Is there anything you'd like to say as of now?"

    I shook my head. "No. Not at the moment." I shifted my hands behind my back, a book clasped between my fingers.

    He nodded. "Alright. You may go back to what you were doing. Come to me if you have any concerns." He gave a soft smile and nodded to Commander Salmon, who moved to stand behind me.

    I let a near silent sigh pass my lips as I turned, aiming to head back to the library so I could read again. My sister and I seemed to be the only ones in the library at any given time so it was almost always quiet. I cast a quick glance back at the guard trailing behind me, slowing my pace to match his. "I don't like people walking behind me." I said softly, breaking the almost uncomfortable silence.

    He nodded. "Apologies Princess." He matched my pace.

    "Use my name please. I'd rather have someone other than my father and sister use it." I brushed a hand through my hair.

    "It would not be proper your Highness." He said simply, barely even looking at me.

    I sighed quietly and kept walking towards the library. I already hated this and I was stuck with him for gods know how long. I understood my fathers reasoning for assigning him to me, but that didn't mean I had to like it. I settled into a chair and opened my book again. Honestly I hoped this was over soon.


    "An arranged marriage? But father I don't even know her, much less know if I would ever love her. Does she even know?" I knew I shouldn't say anything, knew that it was my duty. To do what's best for my Kingdom, my people. My guard, Emily, stood silently behind me, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword.

    "No as of now she hasn't heard of it. As of now there are threats against the Princess of Vulpes and she is being protected. Once these threats pass, she will come here and you will meet her." My father watched me. "Believe me the last thing I wanted was to force you into something like this." He stood and walked forward, setting a hand on my shoulder. "But our Kingdom is dying Will. We need this alliance."

    I sighed quietly. I knew we needed this, knew it was what was best. Yet at the same time- I cast a short glance back at my guard. I knew there would be no growing to love the Princess of Vulpes. Not when my heart belonged to another. "Very well Father." I said quietly, stepping out of his grip and turning. A short nod to Emily had her turning to follow me. Dead silent as she always was when we weren't alone. 

    I heard my father sigh as I walked out of the throne and to my room, not bothering to retrieve my guitar from the library, where I'd been before my father summoned me. The moment Emily and I were in my room I shut the door and kissed her. I wouldn't get to have forever with her now, so I had to cherish the moments I did have. 

    I could sense her surprise before she kissed back, her arms looping around my neck. A soft murmur of my name against my lips had me pulling away, meeting almost sad eyes. "Will- we can't keep doing this. The sooner we stop-" She shook her head. "The sooner you'll be able to keep this alliance with Vulpes successful. Lupus is suffering Will, and I'll end up in the way." She twisted out of my grip and made to leave as my fingers closed around her wrist.

    "No. Em, we're not over. No matter what we do I won't be able to stay away from you, I won't be able to stop loving you, so don't ask me to." I cupped her face with my right hand, my thumb brushing a loose strand of her hair out of her face. "You're my other half Emily. I'd sooner die then let someone pull us apart. We'll find a way. I promise." There was no way in hell I was losing her, not when I finally felt happy. Yes we had to hide, stolen kisses in empty corridors, walks in the garden while holding hands, holding her in my arms a night, but those were all things I wasn't going to give up. Not if I wasn't forced to. I loved her. And nothing could stop that. 

    She nodded softly, her fingers brushing through my hair. "It's getting late. Would you like me to stay with you?" She asked softly. 

    I smiled softly. "Always." I kissed her briefly, starting to remove her armour. Honestly this was basically a nightly thing for us. A kiss as the soldier removes her armour, she'd only allow herself to be so vulnerable with me. As soon as her armour was off, the pieces draped across a couch, I tugged her towards my bed and sat down, pulling her into my lap.

    She chuckled softly and moved to straddle my legs, pressing her lips against mine and wrapping her arms around me. 

    I hooked my arms around her waist and kissed back, laying down with her. After a few moments she pulled away, a soft smile dancing at her lips. The soft candlelight reflecting off of hazel eyes that I was dangerously close to getting lost in. 

    I kissed her head as a soft yawn escaped her lips. "Sleep Love." I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. She nodded softly and curled into my chest, already dozing off.

    I held her close, knowing that if this had to end soon, I'd cherish every moment I had with her, every shared breath, every graze of her fingertips across my skin when we'd manage a moment alone together. She was my world, my heart, my light. She was the song playing in my heart since the moment we'd met, and I didn't want to hear the last note, the last word, any time soon. I realized she'd fallen asleep while I'd been lost in thought, the chain around her neck that held my ring falling out of her shirt. With it, I'd given her a promise. A promise that we'd be together. I just hoped I'd get to keep that promise.

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