Safe? -2

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Lilah wouldn't look at anything except the floor. She looked a little better now, dressed in proper clothes and she'd been given a proper meal.

Emily looked absolutely pissed off. There was a fire burning in her eyes. "So what is it you intend to do with us exactly."

Will looked up from where he'd been leaning against the wall. "Well first we want to help you two get healthy again. Second, we plan to bring you almost anywhere you'd want to. Some choose to stay here with us, however you won't be forced to do anything you don't feel comfortable with."

"All we ask, is that you understand that getting you to a certain place will probably take time. But, we will get you there as quickly as we can." I set my hat on a chair next to me as I looked to the two.

I watched as Lilah murmured something in Emily's ear, the red head looking up a moment later. "Have you ever had a girl named Ella show up. Dark hair, green eyes, she'd be fifteen or so."

I blinked slightly and looked at Will. "Tom-"

"I'll go find him." Will nodded, quickly walking out.

I looked back to the girls in front of me. "I think she may be here, Will's looking for her now."

Lilah's knees seemed to give out as she just sunk down to the floor, burying her face in her hands.

Emily sank down with her, holding her gently. "Ella's been missing a long time." She murmured. "We were taken when we'd been out looking for El." Her hand brushed over Lilah's head lightly. "Lilah's been distraught the entire time. Family is everything to her."

I nodded softly. "That's understandable. If she's not here, we'll see if we can find her."

"Thank you." She looked up to me, her arms banded around Lilah.

"Of course." I looked over as the door opened and Will walked in. Trailing behind him was our brother, as well as Ella.

The second Ella's eyes landed on Lilah, she froze, her fingers twitching at her sides slightly. "Lilah.."

Lilah lifted her head, freezing slightly. After a moment she dragged herself to her feet, reaching out slightly.

The dark haired girl threw herself into the blonde one, holding onto her tightly.

Emily smiled softly, standing and moving closer towards Will. Moving out of the way.

"Oh El- you're okay." Lilah held onto her tightly, her hand brushing over her head.

I stepped over to Tommy, smiling lightly. "Hey Kid."

"Hey Spencer." He said softly, watching the girls in front of us.

"You okay?" He seemed almost slightly sad, his hands tucked into his pockets.

"I'm alright." He nodded, his hair brushing down into his face slightly.

"Are you worried she's going to leave?" I asked softly, reading him quite easily.

"I'm-" He sighed. "Yeah. A little." He rubbed his arm slightly, looking down. "I wouldn't blame her if she did but you know."

"Tom, she loves you. I doubt she'd leave. Even if she chose to, you could always go with her you know."

He nodded softly.

"But don't worry about that for now okay? For now every one just needs to relax."

"Okay." He nodded, leaning against the wall.

It was odd seeing my brother sad, but I know for now we'll be okay. Also knowing that Lilah has family here will hopefully make adjusting easier for everyone.

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