I was walking around the school trying to find the office, when I bumped into someone making us both fall over.

"Fuck... I mean excuse me"
"It's alright"

I stood up dusting myself off before sticking my hand out to catch hers trying to be polite.

"Here let me help you up"

She looked skeptically at me, before taking my outreached hand.

"Thanks my names Lauren, you seemed to be in an rush?"

"I fell asleep in advocacy, so I pretty much slept through half of my business class for the day."

The final tardy bell rang, making me officially late for my class. Since it was an half day this was going to be my last class for the day.

"It's alright I'm sure they'll be more lenient considering it's the first day. "

"Can I see your schedule if you don't mind?"

"Here, I haven't even glanced at my schedule yet."

She observed my schedule, before pulling out her own and comparing.

"It seems our schedules are identical for most part, except for english."

"Well do you know where business is?"

"Nope, but we can find it together since we have the same class anyway, what's your name by the way?"

"I'm Maisha, although most of my family is from America, my mom wanted me to have an African name"

Following close behind her, I tried to memorize the differnt hallways to get used to this new surroundings. I haven't actually been on this level of the building, I felt completely lost compared to her. After some time, we arrived down a hallway with painting on the ceiling and a library close by.

Nodding my head and smiling, I gave myself a prep talk before knocking on the door. Which seemed to stand still as we waited patiently for the teacher to open the door. After a few knocks he'd managed to open the door and let us in.

I walked in shyly, grimacing at our substitute, by looking at him you could see he was some old substitute that hasn't actually made a career for themselves. He seemed to have the biggest smile, even with his yellow teeth. You could tell by the way he presented himself he barely knew how to write a business proposal, let alone run a business.

I sighed sitting back in my chair, waiting the for the bell to ring, and signify the day was over.

. . . . . . . . . .

The day didn't seem to end as quickly as I'd hoped there was a good amount of time to burn. I decided to make a quick trip at the grocery store for dinner.

Grabbing a cart I hauled the processed junk food throughout the store adding food as I went along.

I needed to start eating healthier I thought, picking up a package of tofu shaking my head.

Maybe if I was vegan I'd eat healthier, I laughed at the thought knowing I was anything but heathy. I ended up getting the tofu, as I passed on the dairy section. I began to turn my basket, causing me to accidentally bump into someone else's cart.

A spew of cuss words left my mouth before I caught myself, "excuse me," I said.

Attempting to move my basket, before I made a scene, I looked up at the man noticing an familiar tattoo. It was hard to focus while his eyes were following mine, examining me suspiciously. His pale skin in comparison to mine, along with his tall built frame was very intimidating, but yet I stood my ground.

Those loose fitting jeans with the wife beater wasn't helping, with a shirt that left nothing to your imagination.

Although I could feel my mouth watering, something was off about this guy, not just edgy. I couldn't help but feel deja as I looked at his tattoo, I knew I needed to go.

I hurried and picked up my wallet which had fallin in the mini cart accident, while he stood there staring unfazed.

I had managed to maneuver my basket to a small gap to leave the aisle mentally preparing myself.

"I'll be seeing you around Maisha won't I"

His voice had me frozen, unable to process the words that had left his mouth. I looked up from the floor to see he'd already walked out of the store leaving his groceries.
.. ..

"What took you so long," my mother asked as I unloaded the car.

"The lines were long," I said while shaking my head.

After unloading the car, I felt the need to wash myself as if I'd been scorned by something worse than the evil.

I turned the knob, watching as the water droplets hit my skin. My veins pulsed as I stood under the scorching water, watching the dirt go through the drain.

I changed and brushed my teeth before getting comfortable in the sheets, mentally preparing myself for another school day.

I was about halfway sleep, but my phone sounded off alerting me of a message.

"We didn't meet by accident, message me when you're ready. It's Roy."

Mr. Maddox (PlusSize/BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now