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"I feel thy cold, dead weight upon me
And know that I shall soon be free"

Three days later my dad got discharged from hospital. He is healthy. Our shop wasn't covered in insurance and took more damage. Have to buy some new things atleast it will cause around 5k dollar where right now our money was spent in hospital. But one good thing our shop was popular than before.

When we were in hospital Daniel and Saddie came to visit us the next day morning.

"Will, what happened? We heard the news just now and we rushed to see you and your dad. how's your father? And who is he? Why he attacked you guys?" they asked.

My dad is better than before. His internal organs weren't damaged so he is safe. And that guy his name is Kai. I don't know the reason yet but the police said he was one of the 14 members who went missing and found dead 1975.

The police saw his body just one time and recognized him. And I think there is some mystery about this case. And that guy Kai, he had so much power and his look is terrifying. He looked like man with no consciousness and just want to attack the next guy he saw with a bloody rage. His eyes were covered in dark black as if demons. And there teeth were covered with flesh.

And I came to know by police that yesterday while I am heading toward home from Daniel's place I saw a fire accident and went without doing anything. But that wasn't an accident and this guy Kai killed a family brutally. There were four of them in that family, including two kids and he killed the father by tearing his limbs apart and the mother head was stuck in the door and the body has some bitten mark and one kid head was near the bed and the body is missing where the police suspects that he should have eaten them and another child is missing. And I don't know how and why but he followed me from somewhere and attacked my father instead.
Some how we managed to escape from him with the help of neighbor otherwise we would have been dead like that family too. And I feel like there are many like him. For that first we have to know what had happened in that forest? How it happened? Everything. So, Saddie you gather news about the incident from your father since he was a reporter and meet me after father's discharge. And Daniel you collect information from the four eyes policeman and you also meet me after three days. And then they went.

"DAD! DAD! where are you? MOM! where is dad?" Saddie entered her house. Her mom replied" Now only he went to the bus station. Why do you want him all of the sudden? And from where are you coming?
"What dad went to the bus station? Ok bye I have to catch him!" and Saddie went without answering her mom.
"Hey! HEY young lady answer me first" her mom shouted while she was leaving.
She ran and caught the bus where is father, Hammer is there. "Dad I finally caught you" taking breaths. "What happened did I forget and leave something?" her Hammer asked.
"Dad, I want to know about a case that happened seven years ago. And your company covered the news. I want to know the full information about it" Saddie asked.

"Ok, I can go through it and bring you information about it tonight. But why?"he asked her.

She said," I need it for my friend's project dad".

"Ok what is the case about or name?" Hammer Asked her.
While Danniel met his neighbor Policeman Trevor, four eyes and asked him "Mr. four eyes I want to know about a particular case from your department history and if you refuse to do it then you know what the consequences are. Your family will know about you and her Mrs. White."
"Boy I'm a policeman and you are blackmailing me and I can't take any action on you. It's all my fate. Ok I will bring you information but bout which case?" Trevor Asked.
Both Danniel and Saddie reply to Trevor and Hammer " HUMANOIDS 1975".

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