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I decided to take off work for the Super Bowl, so I could watch the game intensely without having to look through my lens the entire game.

Miles went nuts getting my friends and me a suite. I thought it was the sweetest gesture. The box is filled with the Titans' friends and family. Of course, his parents are coming, and I get to meet his sister for the first time. Hopefully, she is more enjoyable than her parents. Amber and her father are also here; I've been avoiding her the entire time. I have no desire to even make eye contact with her. My favorite thing about this day is that Miles also invited my parents to come. They are psyched to meet Miles and his family, though I've warned them about his parents.

I forget Miles has all this money to play with. He could buy anything he wanted. Super Bowl tickets aren't cheap, and neither are the boxes. I can't imagine how much money he spent on this.

The game is being held in New York City at the MetLife stadium. It's freezing here. Snow covers the ground of the big city, and Miles has made it a point to show me around the city, no matter how cold I was. I don't think I could have survived being on the field tonight; The snow is sprinkling in on the field.

I wore black head-to-toe with a long blue coat with fur to keep me warm. My hair was pin-straight, my blonde hair flowing almost to my elbows.

A hand is placed on my shoulder from behind, "Julia, it's lovely to see you again." I turn to face Miles's mother.

I smile, hugging her from the side, "Likewise. How was your trip here?" I have to be on my best behavior to win Rebecca's love, though Miles is still pissed at her for telling on her son for our relationship. Miles doesn't speak to her often anymore, as he still sulks over the memory. He speaks to his dad all the time.

"I wasn't expecting it to be so damn cold here," Mike shivers. "I figured you'd be on the field." He makes an imaginary camera with his fingers.

My smile is painfully big, "I decided to take off so I could watch the game without having to work. I'm glad I did because the snow is coming down pretty well. I would have been miserable."

"I love that photo you sent us of our Miles. I had it framed," his mother says.

That's a point for me. I had taken a fantastic shot of Miles a few weeks ago and decided to send it to his parents for bonus points. He was annoyed with me afterward, but it turned out well.

A blonde-headed girl steps around Rebecca with a drink in her hand, "Is this Julia?" She whispers in her ear.

She nods, "Julia, this is our daughter, Madison. Madison, this is Julia."

I grin at her, shaking her hand, "It's nice to meet you finally." She looked just like her mother with the beautiful curly hair that Miles also had. She wore an expensive-looking outfit, making me wonder if she was the favorite child.

She hugs me, and I can smell the alcohol on her breath. How many drinks had she already had? "Oh-Em-Gee. I've been waiting for this day for so long! Miles never shuts up about you. I'm sorry it took so long, but the Super Bowl being here was perfect. I didn't have to miss classes or anything."

"You go to Juilliard, correct?" I try to think of everything Miles told me about his family. His sister was five years younger than him, and she was only a junior in college. She must have serious talent if she attends there.

She nods eagerly, "Yes. Have you ever seen the school? It's the prettiest place on the planet. Miles needs to bring you to my place. You can see Central Park from my window."

Rebecca places her hand on my shoulder, "Sorry, she talks a lot when she drinks." With that, she walks away, leaving the two of us alone.

I spot Emma and Riley gathered at a table near the windows. Ignoring everything about visiting her apartment, I changed the subject. "Would you like to come and sit with my friends and me?"

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