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"Miss Cunningham?" A woman's voice asks from behind. I pull my camera down from in front of my eyes and turn to see a petite woman dressed in heels and a dress.

I give her a soft smile, "Hello, that's me."

"Could I bring you into my office for a few questions?"

I nod, my heart beginning to pound. "Of course, let me grab my things." Am I in trouble? I pick up my backpack, stuffing everything inside. I glance at the field to see if I see Miles anywhere, but he's nowhere in sight. Shit.

I follow her off the field, and we walk down the long hallway before heading to an elevator. "We are going to my office. I'm Grace Hancock, the general manager of the Titans, by the way," she flashes a smile.

"That's amazing," I respond. "To be a woman in a male-dominated industry and be a leading role."

He laughs, "I can't believe it either. I was blessed with a great opportunity."

We stepped into her office, and I set my bag on the floor, taking a seat in one of the chairs. Her office is tidy and has a beautiful view of the field. I didn't realize how high we'd gone up. You can see the entire field from here.

"You're not in trouble," she starts, "we just wanted to clarify something."

Even though she said I wasn't in trouble, my heart continued to pound. "Okay," I drawl out.

"We know you've been seeing our quarterback, Miles Moore." My eyes widened as she continued, "Unfortunately, we have a no-player-employee contract at the stadium."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I put my hand over my mouth in shock. Shit. I knew this was a horrible idea. Fuck. Fuck. I'm about two seconds from crying. I'm about to lose my job.

She laughs, "You are fine, Miss Cunningham. I'm telling you this before you've gotten too deep with Mr. Moore. We understand you are friends, but we will not tolerate seeing just the two of you out and about. Is that understandable?"

I nod quickly, "Yes, of course, Mrs. Hancock. That will never happen again."

She abruptly stands up, "Alrighty, well thank you and sorry for this. By the way, I enjoy seeing your work, Julia."

"No, no. It's totally fine. Thank you." I stand up, grab my bag off the floor, and exit her office. I glance at my watch to see that practice is over, and there's no point in returning to the field. I run towards the exit and don't stop until I reach my apartment, the tears falling down my face when I shut the door behind me.

I fall to the floor and cry into my hands. "Fuck me," I cry to myself.

I hear a door open but don't bother to look up. I don't care. "Julia?" A soft voice says. Her footsteps walk towards me, but I don't look up. She slides next to me and pulls me close but doesn't say anything.

We sit silently as I finally pick my head up and rest it on her shoulder. She sighs, wrapping her arm around me, and suddenly, I'm crying, not just because of Miles but because I haven't asked how she was doing or feeling. "Emma," I choke out.

She leans her head against mine, "Yeah?"

"I'm so sorry."

She chuckles softly, "Ju, what could you possibly be sorry about?" She plays with the ends of her blonde hair, picking the split ends.

I sniffle, wiping the tears from my eyes and staring at my legs, "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you after what Amber said. I thought it was better if I let you come to me."

He wraps her arm around me tighter, "No, Julia. It's fine, I promise. I've just been thinking. I wanted to say something, but I don't know Ju. I don't know how to explain it."

I turn to look at her, confused, "You can tell me anything, Emma. I won't judge, and I'll listen."

"The same goes for you, Ju. Do you want to talk about why you came home crying?" I tell her everything the woman at the field told me. All she did when I finished telling her was laugh. "All this crying was because of that boy?"

I groaned, "Shush. I'm just in shock. I was not expecting that to happen." I probably should have told Miles where I was going. I totally just left the stadium. "Shit!" I grumble, grabbing my phone from my back pocket. He's gonna be mad at me for leaving. I lift my phone to see several messages from him. Where are you? I sigh, hitting the call button and letting it ring.

I began to hear ringing outside the door, and then two solid knocks came. I looked at Emma, and we scrambled off the floor so I could open the door. When I swing it open, Miles stands there with a sour look on his face, "Where the hell did you go? I was waiting for you," he starts, staring at the ceiling. I grab his hand, pull him inside, and shut the door. I sigh, look up at him, and we make eye contact, "Baby, why are you crying?" He runs his thumb under my eyes to wipe the fallen tears.

I silently lean into him, sighing into his chest, and stare at him. He holds the back of my head, soothing me. I eventually drag him into my bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

I stand in front of him as he sits on my bed, holding my hands. "We can't be together, Miles," I tell him, fighting back the tears.

"Baby, why are you saying that?" He says with his eyebrows furrowing together, pulling me closer. "Who said he couldn't be together?"

I want to let go of his hands, but I don't have the strength to. "Everyone. No one wants us together."

"Says who, Julia?" His hands wrap around me tighter.

"Your family. The internet. Your ex. The Titans." I could make the list longer, but I don't. I made the mistake of looking at the photo of the two of us out to dinner, and everyone did not like what they saw—a bunch of women bringing down another woman.

Another tear falls down my face as I think of the comments. "Julia, I told you you're the only woman I want and ever want. You're perfect, baby. Don't let these other people fill your thoughts."

I need to tell him why. I need to just say it. Why can't I force the words out? Just tell him, damnit. "I got called into the general manager's office for the Titans today," I started. He looked at me, shocked. "They forbid us from being together, and I'll get fired if they see us together."

He doesn't say anything for a moment. Instead, he stares past me, unsure what to do. "Fuck it. I don't give a shit. They can kiss my ass. I'm calling my agent." 

He moves to pull his phone out of his pocket, but I stop him. "Miles, no. This is our career. We can't just do that because of a silly little relationship."

He stands, and I step back, "Is that all I am? A silly little relationship?"

"Miles, no. That's not what I mean. I don't want us to lose our jobs over this; it's not worth it."

He glares at me, crossing his arms, "Not worth it? Are you fucking joking right now, Julia? I fucking love you! You're worth it to me." I freeze at his words, staring at him. He just said the L word. Is two months too soon to say that? I don't know if he knew he said the words because he turned, running his hand through his hair, and paces. I honestly hadn't even thought about if I loved him. I've been so scared I would get hurt this entire time.

I back up against the wall, letting the tears fall as I watch him yank his phone out and start typing away. I don't know what to say. "I don't know what else to do, Miles," I whisper.

He looks up at me from his phone, sighs, and walks back to me. "I'm gonna go. I'm gonna figure this shit out because what the fuck. They saw that picture of us weeks ago and want to say something now." A call comes through on his phone, "It's Taylor. I'll see you later." He throws my bedroom door open and, moments later, does the same with the front door, and he leaves me here alone, crying in my room.

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