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Today, I was invited to eat brunch with the NFL Wives Club at a country club in Nashville. They informed me last night at the party that getting to know all the girls would be amazing.

I was nervous as hell and starving. If I sit there and order a meal, they'll stare at me disgusted. They'll only take about two bites of a salad before they're done.

Picking out an outfit to wear was even more stressful. I don't think I'm cut out for the rich girl wife. I settled on a long-sleeved black turtle neck underneath a black and red plaid fitted dress. I should have put hose on now that winter has paled my skin. I wore a pair of black pumps and grabbed my most expensive purse: a small Gucci handbag.

I didn't tell Miles how nervous I was for this brunch. I didn't want him to worry. I'm not nervous about meeting them. I'm just nervous about what they'll have to say after I leave. He at least told me how beautiful I looked and that I'd fit right in with them. I'm sure Caroline fit right in with those girls. She was probably the leader of the group.

I gave my coat to the lady at the front of the building and walked through the halls of the country club as someone led me to the table of girls seated by the windows. All the girls turn and face me as I walk in; Only a few of them smile.

The girl who invited me last night, whose name was Caitlyn, pats the seat next to her. "Julia! I'm glad you could make it."

"Thank you for inviting me," I say, dropping down in the plush seat beside hers. I recognized a few from the house last night, but many weren't there. I look down at the table to see Amber seated on the other end, a frown on her face as she stares at me. I give her a half smile, and she rolls her eyes and looks away. Well then.

I drop a napkin in my lap as I take a sip of the water already waiting for me in my glass. "Tell me you're as hungover as we all are," she jokes, making the girls around us chuckle.

I wasn't, but I wanted to fit in. I chugged two bottles of water before bed, and I was sober by the time Miles and I finished having sex. "Yes. I'm running off a single cup of coffee and desperately need food to settle my stomach. Way too much vodka and dancing." Which wasn't a lie.

After Riley, Emma, and I talked on the porch, the girls decided to take shots. It was the worst idea because, after round five, we were all on our ass, thinking of the best ideas to embarrass ourselves in front of a group of men. Someone suggested we turn club music on, and that's what we spent the rest of the night doing: Dancing.

The girls laugh, "Oh my god. Way too much dancing. I never want to hear No Hands again," the redhead, Willow, groans.

The woman beside me, whom I've never met, says, "You're Miles's girlfriend?" She asks.

I nod and hold my hand for her to shake, "Julia."

She takes it, "Jada. I'm Marcus Jones's wife. I didn't know Miles already had another girlfriend." Ouch. Jada was beautiful, just like every other woman sitting here. Imitating. She had the most perfect box braids that ran down her back, not one hair out of place. She was utterly perfect.

I try not to let her words sting me. "Yeah. We met out of nowhere and fell for each other."

The girls aww at the story. "Has anyone spoken to Caroline?" Caitlyn asks.

"Nope. She dropped off the face of the earth after we heard what happened," Willow laughs. "Have you met Caroline, Julia?"

I nod, not wanting to gossip, but they want to hear the story. "She showed up at Miles's house after the tabloids posted a photo of the two of us together the first time. Miles was on a run, and she just walked inside. I thought it was him, and luckily, I put a shirt on as I walked out of the bedroom. She was pouring herself a cup of coffee in the kitchen when I found her. Miles was pissed when he walked in, and she begged him to take her back."

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