"They're adapting to their environment." Flora frowned at Stella's obvious insult to her plants.

"That's my Goblin Galvana, that's my favourite dress!" Stella shrieked when she spotted one of those plants trying on another outfit as I coughed to cover my laugh. "You see what's happening in our room?" She turned to me and latched onto me as I sighed while patting her back to hopefully calm her down. "Oh my poor poor clothes."

My lips however curled up in an amused smile. "And now you agree that it's not only your room?"

Bloom who overheard everything walked in with an annoyed expression on her face. "They're just clothes, Stella."

"No, they're couture." Stella corrected in a matter-of-fact tone, quick to defend her clothes. "You know what that means? They are one of a kind, the shrinking is bad enough but they're also mixing stripes with floral. it's like a horror show."

Bloom and I stared at the plants for a good few seconds before exchanging looks and that was enough for us to burst into fits of laughter, not being able to sympathize with Stella on this.

"It's not funny!"

"Maybe I can fix this." Flora suggested in a kind voice, not wanting to argue any further. "Tecna might know a counter spell."

We nodded in agreement and followed Flora to Musa and Tecna's room. When we entered the room we were met with only Musa, reading a book while lying on her bed, I looked around to see that Tecna was nowhere in sight.

"Musa, have you seen Tecna?"

"Nah." Musa shook her head, not taking her eyes off her book. "She has been off the radar."

Flora frowned and walked over to Tecna's closet. "I need to find a spell to unshrink couture."

I hummed in thought as an idea popped up in my head. "Doesn't the Nocturnal Ivy do that?"

"Oh yeah, I could combine it with a drop of sparkly parsley oil." Flora smiled at my idea as she opened the closet doors to reveal the unexpected. "Tecna!" Our smiles fell when we saw our missing friend, vines covering her whole and seemingly not budging at all.

"Hmph." Tecna struggled against the vines and Flora wasted no time to use her magic, making the vines disappear and releasing Tecna. "Where have you been? All I wanted was a jacket but I got kidnapped by this psycho plant!"

Stella heaved out a dramatic sigh. "You see what Flora is doing to our living conditions?"

Musa finally lifted her head and shook it in disappointment. "That's not cool Flo."

"Your plant also happened to eat my notebook." Tecna slightly snapped at her while I shifted uncomfortably at the rising tension. "Is there any way to get it back?"

Flora let out a nervous giggle, making Tecna even more frustrated. "Get it back? uh...no...haha."

"What about a spell?" Tecna queried, crossing her arms while glaring at Flora. It was obvious that Tecna was trying to remain come and search for possible solutions, but seeing Flora's current predicament showed that she didn't know any.

Flora winced at Tecna's use of tone, looking even more guilty. "Whatever the ivy eats is pretty much gone."

"WHAT?" Tecna's outburst was enough for me to inch away from her, Tecna rarely ever gets mad and seeing her explode like that surprised us all.

"I really didn't know it would grow that fast." Flora sulked, her eyes now downcast. "I'm so sorry."

"What am I supposed to do? Tell the teacher that a plant ate my homework? She wouldn't believe that." Tecna scowled and soon walked over to her bed and started combing her hair, trying to calm herself down.

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