I chase to attract.

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You might have heard of this saying:

"I don't chase, I attract."
This mindset is useful in some scenarios, but in terms of studying... well.

You can't just keep hoping that you'll be successful and wishing and wishing and wishing to do well if you're not going to actively do anything about it. You have to chase to attract. What does this mean?

- have the mindset that you are going to do well
- stop doubting yourself and just work hard
- get all of the necessary work done and more, get ahead, or just make sure you are up to date with everything; don't fall behind.
- unis don't want someone who doesn't seem committed. You have to show that you have been chasing this dream. You have to show that you're ready to throw everything else away for this dream. You have to show that you've worked hard in order to attract success.

Actually, forget showing. If you're too focused on showing, you'll dismiss actually DOING. Work hard, not for anybody, not for the university itself, but for the dream. Have your eyes set on that goal, and they'll see without you even trying to show them. Stay on track and keep on striving to reach your goal and you will attract success. Take away all doubts and put your mind to it.

This one was kind of messy and short, but remember. You have to chase in order to attract. You have to work hard in order to gain success. I know this is all common sense and it's so, so obvious, but it's so easily forgotten. Good things don't just come because you want them to. They come because you force them to, through your strenuous efforts.

Apologies for the inactivity and this low-quality chapter, exam season has me STRESSED.

Tysm for 3.9K reads!! I'm not an experienced writer tbh; when writing this, it was mainly to get all my thoughts down and motivate myself to study - I'm glad I've motivated others to do so too! Remember to aim high and never doubt yourself, and if things don't work out, it's not your fault because you worked hard. If you have any requests be sure to let me know. You got this!

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