"Spiders?" My answer was closer to a question. I had a hard time lying but with age I was slowly getting better at it.

Rhyett quietly looked at me for a few moments and slowly nodded, looking unconvinced. We moved outside to our awaiting brothers and all of their curious gaze fell on us.

"What happened?" It was Ewan.

For some reason he was really interested in my crying last night and now my screaming accompanied by a long session of throwing up was obviously all the more suspicious.

"Nothing you guys should worry about. She just had a bad dream."Rhyett perfectly watered down the situation and all of them looked convinced.

I turned to him with big proud eyes for how amazing he was at bluntly lying to our family. I don't know why I was so impressed by that but I was.

His gaze met mine and he gestured for me to slide into the bed. I didn't say a word and laid down under the covers as Rhyett tested the button of my side lamp as if this majestic mansion would house any broken items.

"Can any of you stay with me tonight?" I blurt out the moment everyone turned towards the door.

The all halted and stared at me like I had just committed a crime. Red rushed up my cheeks and I blinked trying not to make it any more awkward for myself.

I should probably just take the request back.

Just as I thought Rhyett had opened his mouth to make me realize how childish I was behaving, Adam cut him off. "I can."

I sighed from relief that I didn't awfully humiliate myself. But as I lifted my gaze back up, I saw everyone eyeing Adam like he was some weirdo.

"What?" He questioned sounding annoyed. "She's scared, maybe she'll feel better if I was with her." He shrugged.

My heart warmed that he considered staying for me and not because our father had told him to do so —as he always did whenever I needed something.

It may be Lucius' way of getting to connect us and make us behave more like siblings. But constantly forcing my brothers to do stuff for me didn't feel like the right approach. They already don't like me much!

"Thank you. That'll be great." I smiled at him.

Rhyett stayed in the room for a moment too long —almost as if unsure to take his leave— before following everyone out.

Adam went out too and I really thought he played a prank on me until I saw him taking something —which I couldn't see due to the dim lights in the corridor— out of his waistband and handing it to Julian before returning.

Was that a gun? Did all of them run to my room with guns because I screamed? Was that what they were hiding behind their backs?

"Do you want the lights on?" Adam asked closing the door and setting up the AC to a lower temperature.

"Off." I answered politely. I was more than grateful that he was doing this for me.

Adam slipped under the cover and laid down next to me with about an arm's length of distance.

"Do you guys not cuddle?" I asked after minutes of useless twisting and turning to bring back the already gone sleep.

"Us? No. We all sleep in our own rooms." He said it like I was dumb to think that.

"I didn't mean now. Like when you were younger?.... Or my age?" I hinted but he still wasn't getting it.

"Until we were around eleven, Altas and I couldn't sleep when we watched some horror movie. So Dad or Cyrus had to cuddle with us."

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