“(⁠((LOUD CHEERING)⁠)⁠)”

"I'm sure Yujiro will win!",you excitedly wiggled your legs as you layed down scooping ice cream from the tub."I have never seen Yujiro actually fight!Even though he has proven me that he is quite strong...
I don't really know what to expect from him!I'm still shocked from how Baki,Oliva and Retsu fought..
I have never thought of how strong they could be!Those amazing moves of Retsu's,the super strength of Oliva's and Bakis victory with just 3 hits!"

"Man I wanted to see Katsumi and Hanayama fight!I miss them so much..",you opened your phone to see your lock screen.You had a picture with all of them you took at the mall when you drank milkshakes as your wallpaper.

You hadn't spoken with your team since August.They didn't bother to accompany you in any of the interviews,they had more important things to do,such as the Raitai tournament and other fighting business.Besides,none of them liked to be seen on TV.Well you didn't like it either but someone had to go!

You didn't have time to call them or meet up with them either,so you grew distant.Only you and Baki exchanged some pictures but that was it,nothing more.

"Those idiots haven't even called me once!"

“You should make the first move and call them yourself!”,said the logical miny version of yourself inside your head.

"No way!I never make the first move!"

"It's about to begin!Yujiro is coming out!",you shook off your thoughts and turned back to the TV's screen.

Yujiro appeared in the arena and all the crowd started cheering for the “Ogre”.

"He still has that handsome face of his huh? Hmph!",you grumped shoving a spoon full of ice cream in your mouth.

???->"So we are going to forget that he saved you back then?"

"Who allowed you to speak!Didn't I tell you not to bother me anymore!"

???->"I'm not going to stop until you let me out.IM TIRED OF THIS PLACE!"

"You never shut up do you?Do you want me to start shaking you again!?",you turned torwards the ultimate source of power that was lying down near you.

"No!Not that again!I'm sorry!I will try not to disturb you again...for now".

You may be wondering on who this is.
Well let me tell you!This is Anubis speaking.Yep!,that's right!The god of of funerary rites, protector of graves, and guide to the underworld, is now trapped inside the ultimate source of power.

How did that happen?Well,since the ultimate source of power is a magical artifact,it trapped the bad intensions inside it which in this case is Anubis,and let the good win.That was your will to let your team live.Your sacrifice and the word love made the ultimate source of power set you free,and after that trap Anubis inside it instead.The only way Anubis can now be freed,is if someone says the words hope,faith and love for him.Looks like that is never going to happen!

Well how did you discover that Anubis was inside there!Hadn't you noticed earlier?

Well,you hadn't noticed it until your “vacasion”at home started.You always kept the ultimate source of power near you so nobody would steal it or anything.You didn't want to hide it anywhere since you liked how it shined and how beautiful it was,so you always had it with you to admire it.

The first few days you had it,you noticed it moving around the room on it's own.For example,you placed it on the bed,and after a while without looking at it,there it was!,laying on top of your desk!

Book 2! Reader x Baki characters    ~Diamond chase~Where stories live. Discover now